The prime minister also lost a appeal to the Central Elections Committee on Friday against Channel 12 to try to stop its reporters from broadcasting leaked transcripts.
President Reuven Rivlin appeared to condemn Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s call to boycott Channel 12 and its Keshet operator on Sunday afternoon.Netanyahu’s boycott came due to a controversial Keshet series. The prime minister also lost a appeal to the Central Elections Committee on Friday against Channel 12 to try to stop its reporters from broadcasting leaked transcripts of embarrassing testimony from witnesses in the criminal cases against him.Rivlin warned against incitement and the radicalization of the Right-Left discourse in Israeli society as he spoke Sunday at Yeshivat Machanaim in Migdal Oz.“As the elections approach, when passions are raised and the discourse coarsens, I implore you not to believe the incitement and the personal attacks,” Rivlin said. “Do not listen to the voices that are eager to radicalize the discourse, to the Right or to the Left. Take responsibility for our ‘unity’ because this ‘unity’ is our only guarantee of our strength and is the best guarantee for our safety.”In a post on Facebook Live on Friday, Netanyahu complained about the leaks and called Channel 12 “Soviet propaganda” and “Gantz TV.” Netanyahu gave an award for “fake news” to Channel 12 legal correspondent Guy Peleg, who is traveling with a security guard after receiving threats.