Police arrested three suspects for distributing pictures and videos of hundreds of nude women on Telegram without their knowledge or permission. The nude photos included minors and were distributed in private groups with thousands of users.
During the case investigation, police investigators succeeded in mapping the Telegram groups in order to trace the identity of the distributors, overcoming the anonymity of the Telegram network.
The investigation ended on Monday with police raiding the homes of a number of suspects. Police detained them for questioning and seized their computers, along with further additional evidence.
The arrest of two of the main suspects, including a 19-year old from Kiryat Ata and a 23-year-old from Kiryat Yam, has been extended until Thursday by the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court.Additionally, three female suspects involved in the case, including a 24-year-old Bat Yam resident, a 26-year-old from Kiryal Bialik and a 44-year-old from Bat Yam, have been released on house arrest.
In November 2019, police arrested 12 suspects between ages 17 and 30 were arrested for distributing nude photographs of hundreds of women through the Telegram app without consent, according to Channel 12. The men took photographs and videos of nude women who either knew they were photographed or were filmed using hidden cameras. Some women did not give their consent for sharing the visuals or did not even know of the footage.
Tamar Beeri contributed to this article.