Terrorist attack neutralized near Nablus in the West Bank, IDF reports

"The Barak Battalion from the Golani Brigade was recently deployed at the Samaria Regional Brigade. It did so successfully, which was reflected in this morning's encounter."

Commander of the Barak Battalion, Lt.-Col. Shahar Barkai, on the scene of the attack, November 4, 2020. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
IDF troops thwarted an attempted terrorist attack on Wednesday near the city of Nablus in the West Bank, in the area under the responsibility of the IDF Samaria Regional Brigade, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit reported.
Initial investigation by the IDF indicates that the terrorist approached an IDF barricade and started shooting towards IDF troops from within his vehicle. The soldiers positioned nearby quickly identified the threat and neutralized the terrorist.
Commander of the Samaria Regional Brigade, Col. Roi Zweig, addressed the incident and expressed his appreciation for the quick response by the Barak Battalion that prevented a larger attack.
Commander of the Samaria Regional Brigade, Col. Roi Zweig, holds a situation evaluation following the terrorist attack near Nablus, November 4, 2020. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Commander of the Samaria Regional Brigade, Col. Roi Zweig, holds a situation evaluation following the terrorist attack near Nablus, November 4, 2020. (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
"The Barak Battalion from the Golani Brigade was recently deployed at the Samaria Regional Brigade. It did so successfully, which was reflected in this morning's encounter with the terrorist. The soldiers responded as expected of them; They made contact and neutralized the terrorist," Zweig said, adding that "the IDF will continue to maintain security in the area and to prevent attempts to carry out terrorist attacks."
Commander of the Barak Battalion, whose soldiers thwarted the attack, Lt.-Col. Shahar Barkai, explained what happened.
"The vehicle came from the direction of Nablus. He turned left in the roundabout and opened fire towards our post ... Two other soldiers who were positioned in a nearby bus stop, noticed the incident and joined the forces in neutralizing the terrorist," adding that "the terrorist managed to shoot a few rounds" before being neutralized.