Together, in-person: Israel and Morocco on the last night of Hanukkah

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan at the 75 UN General Assembly, September  (photo credit: SPOKESMAN FOR MINISTER GILAD ERDAN)
Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan at the 75 UN General Assembly, September
Building on what is now at least a virtual tradition, Israel and Morocco's ambassadors to the UN will join together to light the full eight candles of the hanukkiah (candelabra) on Thursday night.
Gilad Erdan, Israel's Ambassador to the UN, will be joined by his Moroccan counterpart Omar Hilale. The two countries signed a historic normalization agreement on December 10.

The Jerusalem Post
reported on December 11 that, pursuant to diplomatic ties, Jerusalem and Rabat would "reopen economic liaison offices" and "work quickly to exchange ambassadors and begin direct flights."
Already on December 10, Israel's Israir Airlines announced a plan to begin 20 direct flights per week between Israel and Morocco, with its CEO saying it could happen in as little as three months from now. El Al announced its preparations for direct flights as well.
At the time, Moroccan King Mohammed told US President Donald Trump that his country will facilitate flights between Israel and Morocco for Israeli tourists.
The candle lighting event will be hosted by the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations, and will feature other ambassadors who will be reciting blessings and be honored with lighting the candles.
These include the UN ambassadors from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, the trailblazers in the recent diplomatic normalization ties with Israel via the Abraham Accords, including Sudan as well.
Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates, will moderate a virtual reception following the candle lighting ceremony.

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US National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien, on his visit to Israel three days after the December 13 normalization announcement, assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the normalization deals achieved thus far are just the beginning, and that more Israeli-Arab normalization deals will follow.
At the time, O'Brien commented, “Nations in the region are putting aside old ideas and old grievances and embracing a better future.” White House senior advisor Jared Kushner is set to lead a US delegation to both countries next week to solidify the normalization agreements.