US GILEE law enforcement delegation visits Israel Police

GILEE was established in 1992 for cooperation between law enforcement agencies in Israel and the US.

 An American delegation from GILEE in the US visited Israel and met with Israel Police's Inspector-General Yaacov Shabtai (photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
An American delegation from GILEE in the US visited Israel and met with Israel Police's Inspector-General Yaacov Shabtai

As part of Israel Police's close cooperation with police forces around the world, Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai met on Monday with an American delegation of law enforcers from Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE).

GILEE was established in 1992 in cooperation between Georgia University and law enforcement in the US. Their goal was cooperation between law enforcement in Georgia and Israel Police.

The foundation has been active for almost three decades, and this delegation was the 28th delegation to visit Israel. It was led by Prof. Robby Friedman and comprised of 16 police officers from Georgia.

As part of the visit, the delegation was taken on a tour of various Israel Police units and attended a meeting with Shabtai. During the meeting, Shabtai talked about the challenges the police have come across in dealing with the Arab sector, multi-culturalism and the importance of earning the public's trust.

"Israel Police is one of the most experienced police forces in dealing with extreme security incidents in the world, and this is alongside a continuous battle against crime," said Shabtai.

An American delegation from GILEE visited Israel and met with Israel Police's Inspector-General Yaacov Shabtai. (credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)Enlrage image
An American delegation from GILEE visited Israel and met with Israel Police's Inspector-General Yaacov Shabtai. (credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

"Alongside our experience, there is great importance to learning lessons, which is made possible partly with the help of the relations we have with our partners across the ocean and around the world.

"In a world that has become a global village, the borders are blurring, and our partnerships with our best friends in the world are growing.

"Alongside the uniqueness of every country, police force and population, there are many shared challenges. I would like to take this chance to thank you all for this warm visit that more than anything, shows the special connection that has been made between the countries and the police forces," he said.