Trump's historic first day in Israel

Arriving from Riyadh, the US president spent the afternoon in Jerusalem praying and deal-brokering with his Israeli counterparts; a minute-by-minute breakdown.

US President Donald Trump and PM Netanyahu at Ben Gurion airport (photo credit: AVI OHAYON - GPO)
US President Donald Trump and PM Netanyahu at Ben Gurion airport
(photo credit: AVI OHAYON - GPO)
US President Donald Trump arrived in Israel shortly after noon on Monday for a historic visit in the second leg of his whirlwind maiden foreign tour as president. Trump spent the afternoon in Jerusalem, meeting with Israel's President and Prime Minister and seeing some of the sights of the Old City. Below you will find a minute-by-minute review of the breaking developments, the moving moments and the offbeat incidents that made it a day to remember. 
[8:29 p.m] Trump Calls for a renewed effort to bring about peace between the Israeli and Palestinians and says he sees real opportunity that didn't exist before.
[8:25 p.m.] Trump says he sees hopeful signs of achieving peace "for the people of this region." 
[8:23] Netanyahu says he looks forward to working with Trump on the advancement of peace. He says he sees promise in the willingness of Arab states to bring about change. "They can help bring about the conditions of a historic peace," said Netanyahu.
[8:22 p.m.] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterates Israel's commitment to protecting religious rights. Netanyahu expressed his thanks to Trump for visiting the Western Wall.
[8:20 p.m.] The two leaders take to the stage to deliver their addresses.

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[8:07 p.m.] Prime Minister Netanyahu and his wife Sara welcome President Trump and First Lady Melania to their "palace."
Netanyahu says they had the house painted especially for the presidential visit. Netanyahu gifts the Trump's a 150-year-old bottle of wine. The Presidential couple are also introduced to Yair Netanyahu, the prime minister's son.
[8:05 p.m.] President Trump arrives at prime minister's residence for statements and dinner.
[8:01 p.m.] Media on edge as press statements at Prime Minister's residence are running late
[7:47 p.m.] The presidential motorcade is on its way from the King David Hotel to the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem. 
[7:25 p.m.] Money Time in Jeruslaem
After meeting in private for nearly an hour, US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been joined in the room by their senior advisers, including US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Special Envoy Jason Greenblatt, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner.
[7:15 p.m.] IDF spokesperson's office confirms that an Israeli drone has fallen in Lebanese territory, but says it was not shot down. 
[6:54 p.m.] INITIAL REPORT:
Arab media is reporting that an Israeli drone has fallen over Lebanese territory and that its debris was collected by the Lebanese military for inspection. According to the report, the drone was an Israeli skylark.
p.m.] Presidential Feast: Whats on the menu for the Trumps and Netanyahus tonight?

[6:35 p.m.] Reader's insights
We asked our readers to tell us what they thought President Trump wrote on the not he put in the Western Wall... Here are some of their answers
] Referencing the alleged intelligence leak, in which the US president is accused of revealing classified intelligence from an Israeli source to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last week, Trump assures reporters that he "never mentioned the word Israel."
] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with US President Donald Trump in Jerusalem.
The two exchange pleasantries in front of the cameras, ahead of dinner and discussed Trump's progress on countering Iran during his visit over the weekend in Saudi Arabia.
"Iran will never have nuclear weapons, that I can tell you," Trump said in the meeting.

]  First ladies tour Jerusalem Medical facility.

US First Lady Melania Trump and Sara Netanyahu toured Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem on Monday afternoon.

The wives of the US president and the Israeli prime minister were received by Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America national president Ellen Hershkin and Hadassah Medical Organization director-general Prof. Zeev Rotstein.

[6:03 p.m.] Palestinians are not impressed with Israel's good will gestures timed for Trump's visit.
JPost Correspondent Adam Rasgon brings us the reaction of the P.A. to the measures Israel's Cabinet voted in favor of yesterday.
[5:49 p.m.] Overheard on the red carpet: 

President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and their wives immediately bonded on Monday over their disdain of the media.

Standing on the tarmac at Ben-Gurion Airport shortly after the Trumps' arrival in Israel from Saudi Arabia, the foursome were making small talk as a microphone picked up their banter.

The majority of people in Israel love us, unlike the media, Sara Netanyahu told the visiting couple.  "So we tell them how you are great, and they love you," she said.

The president responded: "We have something very much in common."

Netanyahu added that it sounded familiar, before his wife said: "Very much in common, we will talk about it at dinner… the same media."
[5:42 p.m.] While The president and his entourage are resting at the King David Hotel. Now's the time to discuss Ivanka's fashion choices. Jpost Correspondent Amy Spiro breaks it down.
[5:26] WATCH: Highlights Trump's Visit to Israel in Pictures
[5:12 p.m.] On this day of firsts, it wasn't the statements or the speeches that made top headlines; it was the antics of a single Likud MK who stole the show with a display of chutzpah on the red carpet. Jpost Correspondent Lahav Harkov has the details.
[4:58 p.m.]
Jpost Correspondent Sharon Udasin was at Ben Gurion Airport this afternoon covering the arrival of US President Donald Trump. Here's her behind the scenes look at all the pomp and circumstance
[4:45 p.m.] US President Donald Trump and his entourage have departed from the Western Wall and are on their way to the King David Hotel, Jerusalem.
[4:26 p.m.] The President of the US, Donald Trump prays at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site. This is the first time a sitting American President has done so. Jerusalem Post Correspondent Tovah Lazaroff explains the importance of the visit.

[4:23 p.m.] US President Donald Trump is walking into the Western Wall Prayer Plaza in Jerusalem's Old City 
US President Donald Trump at the Western Wall (Photo by: Reuters)
US President Donald Trump at the Western Wall (Photo by: Reuters)
[4:20 p.m.] Is Trump tweeting in church?
While at a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, US president Donald Trump retweeted a post by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 

[4:18 p.m.] BREAKING NEWS: An attempted stabbing attack took place in Abu Dis in east Jerusalem Monday afternoon, according to Channel 2. The attempted stabbing was thwarted after the attacker was "neutralized" by authorities.

[4:06 p.m.]
Some breaking news from CNN: According to former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden the classified intelligence information which US President Donald Trump recently leaked to Russia may have come from two countries - jpost Correspondent Yonah Jeremy Bob reasons that those two countries are Israel and Jordan. More updates to follow.
US President Trump arrives at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where he is holding a private prayer before heading to the Western Wall. The president's tour to the holy sites created controversy in the lead up to the visit. You can read all about it in this story by Seth Frantzman

[3:24 p.m.] Jpost Correspondent Anna Ahronheim reveals some behind the scenes exchanges between the Israeli and American presidents

[3:20] As POTUS makes his way to the Old City, Jpost Editor-in-Chief Yaakov Katz weighs in on what we've heard from Trump so far
[3:15] President Trump departs from the President's Residence en route to Jerusalem's Old City, first to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and then to the Western Wall.  
[3:08 p.m.] US President Donald Trump puts Iran in the spotlight in Jerusalem address.
"Iran must never be allowed to possess nuclear weapon, never ever"
[3:05 p.m.] Trump talks about prospects of peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
US President Donald Trump: There is a growing realization among Arab neighbors that they have common cause with you."
[3:01 p.m.] Trump Calls Israel an "amazing country" in address after meeting with President Rivlin.
Trump speaks out against terrorist groups and Iran; "Together we can work to end the scourge of violence that has taken so many lives here in Israel and around the world." 
[2:58 p.m.] President Rivlin and Trump Deliver statements after one-on-one meeting.

Rivlin begins by thanking Trump for his visit "Mr. President, we are happy to see that America is back in the area. America is back again."

He goes on to speak about the hope for peace: "I welcome your willingness to help us move forward. We want to move forward, and we must do it, together."
[2:20 p.m.] Trump talks peace at the President's Residence.
"Enough of the bloodshed and killing," US President Donald Trump said during the event at President Reuven Rivlin's official residence in Jerusalem.
He suggested that reigniting the peace process would be at the top of the trip's agenda: "Being in Israel is very special. We expect to have some very interesting talks."
[2:05 p.m.] Trump meets with Rivlin at the President's Residence
Trump is holding a bilateral meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin after arriving in Jerusalem. Trump's schedule for the day includes a visit at the Western Wall and a meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before a festive dinner at the Prime Minister's Residence.
[2:03 p.m.] More on that embarrassing "selfie" episode:

[2:01 p.m.] From plane to chopper to armed limo, President Trump goes to meet his Israeli counterpart Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem
[1:51 p.m.] Marine One lands at the President's Residence in Jerusalem.

[1:44 p.m.] In a move that is sure to go viral, Israeli MK Oren Hazan causes a national embarrassment at Trump's reception

[1:33 p.m.]

[1:25 p.m.] President Trump boards "Marine One" helicopter that will take him to Jerusalem
Next Stop the President's Residence: The rest of Trump's delegation will drive in a convoy to the Israeli capital on the main highway that was shut down for the visit.

[1:20 p.m.]
Bennett to Trump: We hope you'll be first president to recognize united Jerusalem
Education Minister Naftali Bennett greeted US President Donald Trump upon his arrival in Israel on Monday afternoon at an elaborate red carpet greeting ceremony at Ben-Gurion Airport. "Welcome to Israel Mr. President," he told the American leader. "On the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, we hope that you will be the first president to recognize a united Jerusalem."
[1:10 p.m.] POTUS
 shakes hands with Israeli ministers "forced" to attend ceremony

[1:10 p.m.] Tillerson in Israel: Trump is ready to engage personally in Mideast peace
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday President Donald Trump was prepared to invest his personal efforts into Middle East peace if Israeli and Palestinian leaders were ready to be serious about engaging in the process.
Tillerson, speaking to reporters on Air Force One, said a three-way meeting between US, Israeli and Palestinian leaders was for a "later date" rather than on this trip.
[1:05 p.m.] Trump at Ben-Gurion Airport: 'We love Israel, we respect Israel'
US President Donald Trump reaffirmed the "unbreakable bond between the US and the State of Israel" on Monday upon arriving in Israel during his first foreign trip in office. "We love Israel, we respect Israel, and we send your people the warmest greeting from your friend and ally - all of the people of the United States."
[12:56 p.m.] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomes Donald Trump to Israel

[12:49 p.m.] President Trump reviews honor guard at Ben-Gurion Airport

[12:40 p.m.] US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump exit Air Force One
[12:39 p.m.] Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner arrive at Ben-Gurion Airport for the welcome ceremony
[12:28 p.m.]  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara ready to meet US President Donald Trump at the bottom of the Air Force One staircase.
[12:25 p.m.] The Jerusalem Post's Seth J. Frantzman reporting live from the Old City:

[12:25 p.m.] Police wrap up security preparations
Israeli Police confirmed that they are now done with heightened security preparations for Trump's visit to the Western Wall this afternoon. All sites where Trump will be visiting have now been secured.
[12:23 p.m.] Air Force One lands in Ben-Gurion Airport, starting first official trip to Israel.
US President Donald Trump arrived in Israel on Monday shortly after noon as Air Force One touched down at Ben-Gurion Airport after departing earlier in the day from Saudi Arabia.
[12:05 p.m.] Here's a useful pocket guide for the US
 President's first day in Israel
[12:01 p.m.] The waiting game continues at Ben Gurion Airport

[12:00 p.m.] Members of the Harley Davidson club set out on a ride honoring US President Donald Trump as he arrives in Israel for the first time as sitting president.
They started the ride at 12:00 p.m. in Tel Aviv and finished it in front of the US Embassy, blocking traffic along HaYarkon Street in Tel Aviv as the ceremony welcoming Trump to Israel unfolded at Ben-Gurion Airport.
[11:56 a.m.] Waiting from the US President's arrival, Israeli Minister Ofir Akounis speaks to Jpost Correspondent Sharon Udasin

[11:51 a.m.] Police now saying suspected car ramming was a traffic accident, not terror related.
[11:49 a.m.] Minister Ze'ev Elkin speaks to Jpost Correspondent Sharon Udasin

[11:36 a.m.] INITIAL REPORT :  A car has rammed into pedestrians in central Tel Aviv. Injured people on location. More details to come
[11:15 a.m.] Trump's arrival in Israel delayed by half hour
US President Donald Trump is en route to Israel from Saudi Arabia, where he spent the first two days of his foreign trip. He is expected to arrive in the country at 12:45 p.m. and will be received in an official ceremony at the Ben-Gurion Airport. His landing has been postponed by thirty minutes, as he was initially expected to arrive at 12:15 p.m.
[11 a.m. ] Israel awaits Trump touchdown 

[9:30 a.m.] Trump leaves Saudi Arabia for Israel
US President Donald Trump departed from Saudi Arabia directly en route to Israel on Monday morning as part of his first foreign tour in office. 
US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump board Air Force One to depart for Israel from King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia May 22, 2017 (Reuters)
US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump board Air Force One to depart for Israel from King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia May 22, 2017 (Reuters)
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On Tuesday, Trump is scheduled to meet Abbas in Bethlehem, and immediately thereafter the US president is slated to return to Jerusalem for a very brief visit to Israel's Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem. From there Trump will head straight to the Israel Museum, where he is expected to make a speech with which his trip to the Middle East will conclude.
Trump arrives in the region amid repeated iterations of hope that he can help restart the frozen diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinians. His arrival in the Holy Land also comes as all sides await to see if he will make any announcement on his campaign pledge to move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Trump's nine-day trip through the Middle East and Europe ends on Saturday after visits to the Vatican, Brussels and Sicily.
Daniel K. Eisenbud and Reuters contributed to this report.