Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...


'Existential War': Documenting Israel's history of warfare and survival

Ari Shavit warns that Israel needs to act quickly and decisively to rebuild the IDF, as Israel cannot win this existential war without a national strategy that most of the nation trusts.


Knesset approves first reading of 2024 budget expansion bill

According to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, the change will not increase the state's budget deficit at year's end, since it will be offset by higher-than-expected national income from taxes.

Haifa University students blocked from registering for student union elections

Shouts can be heard during some videos, asking how this was democratic, followed by calls of "shame" directed toward the university staff.

Judicial appointments committee will convene with or without Levin, Lapid says

Lapid said that if Levin refused to respect the High Court decision, he would act so that the committee convened regardless.

13 suspects arrested on Route 6, believed to be planning terror attack

The main suspect who was arrested on Route 6 is a Palestinian who illegally entered from the West Bank, according to KAN.

'Israel/Palestine in World Religions': Exploring secular, theological claims to the Holy Land

This book will help Jews, Christians, and Muslims around the world to better understand their religion’s claim to the land, as well as the claim of their co-monotheistic religions.

 Judge Henry Shakenovsky

Tribute to judge Henry Shakenovsky: A South African-Israeli man of justice

The global assault to undermine Israel by the abuse of law has only intensified, and a new generation of Henry Shakenovskys is needed today more than ever.

  A photograph taken in the Tzora President's Forest in Israel.

A photographer's guide to the Tzora President's Forest

The landscape, seasons, and weather constantly change in the President’s Forest, making each visit a new adventure.

 A sample of sketches by Efrat Silberhaft.

'Sketches of Resilience': Artwork supporting the families of fallen IDF soldiers

The proceeds of Sketches of Resilience will be donated to widows and orphans of IDF reservists through the IDF Widows & Orphans organization (IDFWO). 


Haifa's Technion awards doctorates to 258 students from 12 countries

The recipients hailed from 12 different countries, including China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Brazil and South Korea, with 47% of them being women.

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