Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

'I want to start wearing a kippah': 13-year-old former hostage on spiritual awakening after release

Upon his return, Yaakov revealed that he felt a strong urge to express his faith outwardly by adopting religious practices, including wearing a kippah and tzitzit.

Gal Gadot: The Jewish people 'will prevail, [only] by being united'

In her conversation with Herzog, Gadot underscored the importance of Israel as a beacon for Jews around the world.

LGBTQ+ are 'disgusting,' says incoming Police Chief Daniel Levi in a recording published by N12

Israel's incoming Police Commissioner, Daniel Levi, faces backlash after N12 exposed his homophobic remarks, sparking outrage from LGBTQ+ advocates.

Edelstein's synagogue disputes claim they called police on women distributing hostage flyers

"The arrest of the women who placed the leaflets - madness, unequivocally disproportionate. We have no problem with what they did," Mauda told N12.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia-Israel normalization contingent on Palestinian state

Saudi Arabia's Prince Turki Al-Faisal stated that normalization with Israel will only happen after the establishment of a Palestinian state.

  The Hotel Yehuda in Jerusalem overlooks the Massuah Hills.

Hotel Yehuda: An oasis of tranquillity in Jerusalem

At Hotel Yehuda, Jewish and Arab employees work side by side in harmony. It is the staff’s hope that Hotel Yehuda will help cement guests’ love for Israel.


Terrorist stabs police officer at Old City's Damascus Gate, attacker shot at the scene

The attacker was shot at the scene by an officer from the Israel Border Police.

Likud members join MK Moshe Arbel in support for unity government

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel is working with opposition parties to form a unity government led by Netanyahu focused on returning hostages.

 Participants at ROI Summit in Jerusalem

Amidst the war: Young Jewish entrepreneurs gather in Jerusalem to address challenges

The ROI Community of young Jewish leaders will gather in Jerusalem for its signature Summit, focusing on their civil society initiatives during the war.

Ahead of Rosh Hashanah: Thousands of notes removed from Western Wall

Some 20,000 notes from over 100 countries were sent to be put in the Western Wall in the past half year. 

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