The two were armed with a bomb-belt; woman moderately wounded by Kassam.
By YAAKOV KATZsuicide bomber 298.88(photo credit: channel 10)
The Haruv Battalion together with Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) operatives caught two Palestinian terrorists in the Nablus area on Sunday, who were armed with an explosives belt and apparently on their way to perpetrate a suicide attack inside Israel.
The men were taken for questioning and the belt was detonated.
The would-be bombers were caught inside a Palestinian cab just outside of Nablus in the area of the Shavei Shomron settlement.
The IDF estimated that the terrorists were affiliated with Fatah and the PFLP movements.
The IDF said that Palestinian terrorist groups in the West Bank were working in conjunction with Hizbullah in an effort to carry out attacks in Israel while the IDF was fighting in Lebanon.
The terror attack was foiled following a heightened state of alert in the central area after a warning was received that the terrorists had infiltrated from the West Bank.
Elsewhere, an elite undercover IDF unit arrested two suspects in Kalkilya on Sunday in connection with the murder of 60-year-old Yakir resident Dr. Daniel Ya'akovi.
Ya'akovi's body was found completely burned in the trunk of a car east of Kalkilya on Thursday.
The IDF caught the suspected murderer and the operator of the Aksa terror cell that claimed responsibility for the attack. The two men were caught in possession of a gun and a cartridge.
In other violence-related news on the Palestinian front, a woman was moderately wounded when a Kassam rocket landed near Sderot on Sunday afternoon.
A Magen David Adom team evacuated her to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba, and two people suffering from shock were treated at the scene.
Shin Bet head Yuval Diskin told the cabinet in Sunday's meeting that efforts to rescue kidnapped Cpl. Gilad Shalit were not succeeding.
However, Diskin said, it was "extremely likely that Shalit is alive and well in the Gaza Strip."