His flights and accommodations were allegedly paid for by CAL company.
By DAN IZENBERGshalom simhon 298.88(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski [file])
State Comptroller Micha Lindenstraus announced on Sunday that he had handed over his findings in the investigation of Agriculture Minister Shalom Simhon to the Attorney General to consider opening a criminal investigation.
The allegations against Simhon were brought to the State Comptroller's attention by the watchdog organization Ometz, which charged that the Labor minister had accepted free trips and hotel accommodations for himself and his family from a public company.
The favors were allegedly given to him by Cargo Air Lines (CAL) in 2004 and 2005, when Simhon served as Minister of the Environment.
Simhon allegedly flew to Amsterdam, Iceland, Luxembourg and Liege in the space of just over one year. The flights and at least some of the hotel accommodations were paid for by CAL, charged Ometz.
Simhon denied the allegations. Last week, his spokeswoman told The Jerusalem Post, "There is no truth to these charges…Simhon paid for all his private trips with his own money."