IDF closes off hiking trails, tourist spots on Egypt-Israel border
Hiking trails and tourist spots near the Israeli-Egyptian border were closed until further notice late Friday night following the infiltration of hundreds of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip into Sinai earlier in the evening.
The decision, which followed an earlier one to close Route 10 along the border, was made by the defense establishment in an effort to intensify security along the border with Egypt and specifically, to prevent potential terrorists from seeping into the area.
Areas closed off to the Israeli public include: Holot Agur, Be'er Milcha, Be'erotayim, Azuz, Har Harif, Borot Lutz, Nahal Akrub, Nahal Aylot, Har Ramon, Arud Path, Har Sagie, Har Karhoum, Sha'ar Tznifim, Har Eilat, Ein Netifim, Nahal Tzfahot, Nahal Shlomo, Nahal Yehoshafat, Nahal Gershon, Nahal Shani and the Red Canyon. The IDF has requested to stay clear of the closed areas.