Closure to be imposed in territories starting Sat. night, will be lifted on Wed.
A general closure will be imposed in the territories starting Saturday night and will be lifted on Wednesday, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said following a security assessment at his Tel Aviv headquarters Friday.
In the wake of the upcoming elections, and Purim holiday, Mofaz instructed the IDF and security establishment to intensify it actions in thwarting terror and attempts by terrorists to launch attacks in Israel.
The defense minister also instructed the army and police to beef up their presence on roads and highways and major city centers during this sensitive period, even if it means suspending vacations for security forces personnel.
Mofaz added there was a possibility that training exercises for soldiers could be halted next week if the need for more operational troops arises.
Meanwhile, Mofaz will conduct a daily security assessment to decide whether the Karni goods crossing in northern Gaza will remain open.
Security officials said that while the crossing was open for business on Friday, only goods entering Gaza that are providing humanitarian assistance for the Palestinians is permitted to pass through.
Because of the ongoing threats by terrorists to launch attacks at the crossing the situation will be examined on a daily basis, security officials said.