Omri Sharon left prison Sunday morning for his first release from custody since he began serving his sentence earlier this year. Sharon was sentenced to a prison term of seven months and was sent to a minimum security correctional facility.
His participation in prison activities is reportedly quite minor, with authorities saying that his behavior has been very good and there have been no reports of unorderly behavior since his imprisonment.
Sharon made a request to leave the prison, based on his good behavior record. Prisoners are eligible to leave the prison after serving at least one-fourth of their sentences. Sharon has two months remaining until he will be eligible to leave jail permanently.
It is generally necessary for prisoners who go on leave to stay within designated travel areas, including the requirement to stay under house arrest during night hours. Sharon, however will not be subject to this regulation as a 'white-collar' convict, as the police determine the limits and conditions of prisoners' leaves on a case-by-case basis.