The Disengagement Authority - SELA - has completed the purchase of land at Nitzan. In an approximately NIS 50 million deal, about 550 dunams of land, which will be divided into approximately 440 lots (142 of which will be 330 square meters and the rest approximately 1/2 a dunam), were purchased for Gush Katif evacuees.
The land is adjacent to the religious community of Nitzan, which currently numbers approximately 100 families, and which has been designated to absorb religious families from among the evacuees.
For each 330-square meter lot, NIS 157,500 will be deducted from eligible evacuees' compensation baskets; NIS 225,000 will be deducted for each 1/2-dunam lot. State-financed work on the 142 330-square meter lots will begin in the coming days.