Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Israel, is home to many of the country's government institutions including the Knesset, the President's residence and Prime Minister's Office, the Supreme Court and m... Read More
The 20th edition of the arts fiesta spans its perennial broad sweep of artistic fields and mind-sets, taking in video installations, video art, shows and audio-visual projects.
On December 22, Jerusalemites are invited to choose their local council representatives in their neighborhoods.
What has been going on in Israel's capital this week?
From sexual harassment to burglary, Jerusalem’s green oasis hopes for better days
In the 2018/19 school year, 27,800 undergraduate students studied in institutions located in the city.
What has been going on in Israel's capital this week?
Founded in 2012, the project matches haredi students with a range of religious and secular students who meet on a weekly basis.
ANU CEO and equality advocate Anat Mufkadi runs for the local council
For decades the world has been swatting away evidence of climate change. But we need to confront it.
What has been going on in Israel's capital this week?