Berlin prepares to repair cracks in Holocaust memorial
Experts are preparing to repair cracks that have appeared in the slabs that make up Berlin's Holocaust memorial since the monument opened in 2005.
Blue canvas covers have been draped over a few of the memorial's 2,711 slabs to dry them out and protect them from rain, Felizitas Borzym, an official with the foundation that oversees the monument, said Wednesday.
Workers are to inject the gray concrete slabs with a special resin in the next few days in an effort to seal the cracks.
The foundation said last month that as many as 1,900 slabs have cracks, although some have only extremely minor damage.
The memorial opened to the public in May 2005. Cracks in several hundred slabs emerged last year; earlier this year, an expert suggested that the cause might be weather-induced tensions inside the slabs.