Hike of the Month - Along Israel's Mediterranean coast

On these routes you will find magical picnic spots and scenic beach strips, perfect for a sunset walk.

Dor Habonim beach by Lahav Center (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Dor Habonim beach by Lahav Center
(photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A walk along the beach is a great outing all year round. On the summer you have the advantage of a swimming opportunity, however from October-May you will avoid the crowds and enjoy great tranquility and more friendly temperatures for walking.
On the below routes you will not find a Bar or Beach beds for hire. But you will find magical picnic spots and scenic beach strips, perfect for a sunset walk.
Dor Habonim beach natural reserve
Short version: Distance 2.5 Km
Starting point: Parking lot inside Dor-Habonim reserve (GPS 32.644213, 34.925291)
Admission fee: 36 NIS (Parking fee)
Opening Hours: From 08:00 until 17:00-19:00 (Depending on the season can be found in the park's website).
Long Version: 8 Kilometers

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Starting point:
Parking lot outside of Dor-Habonim reserve (GPS 32.636389, 34.929972)
No admission fee.
The 5 Kilometers strip that connects Moshav Habonim and Kibbutz Dor, is regarded by many people as the most beautiful beach area in Israel. Additionally, it is very diverse. In this short distance it is possible to see marvelous small coves, an archeological site, an old ship wreck and the "Blue Cave".
Short version (2.5 km): Pick up the map from the park's office. Follow the Red marked trail that starts at the south end of the regulated beach and follow it for about 1.5 km until the junction with the Green marked trail. Along this short distance you have an attraction every few minutes. The "Seashell" cove, The "Blue Cave", The "Sand" bay and the old ship wreck. Information boards provide explanations on each spot along the way.  Turn left on the Green marked trail and follow it for 1 km back to the starting position.
Long version (8 km):
Follow the unmarked dirt road thank starts opposite to the parking. Walk south along the fish ponds for about 3 km. At a junction with another dirt road, turn right and follow it west until you reach the shore and the red marked trail that runs along it. Turn right and follow the red marked trail north along the beach for 4 km until you arrive to Habonim beach. In addition to the attractions described in the short version, you will have a chance to visit the archeological site of Tel Dor located on a top of a hill that provides the best views in the area. In addition, you will pass many small magical and secluded coves.
Go to "Israel By Foot" Website for a full and detailed description of Dor Habonim beach hike.
Hof Hasharon beach natural reserve
Starting point: Parking inside Kibbutz Gaash  (GPS 32.230881, 34.823056)
No admission fee.
Short version:
Up to 3 Kilometers.
Long Version: 6 Kilometers
The main feature of the 5 Kilometers coast line between the Wingate institute and Kibbutz Gaash is the sheer limestone cliff that drops to the Mediterranean leaving a narrow strip of sand, in some areas only two meters wide. Start following the red marked trail that begins on the west side of the road opposite to the parking. The trail goes west for about 200 m until it reaches the cliff edge and joins the "Israel National Trail". Turn right and follow the red marked trail north along the edge of the cliff with fantastic views on the sparkling water below. For the short version, follow this trail as long as you want and retrace your steps on the same path. For the long version, continue to follow the Red trail for about 2 kilometers, until there is a gap in the cliff that enables going down from the cliff to the narrow beach below. Descend to the beach, turn left and walk back along the beach.  In some sections the distance between the cliff and water narrows down to less than 3 meters.
Gador beach natural reserve (The Chinese Bay)
Starting point: Parking is Hadera, Ein Hayam Neighborhood (GPS 32.425861, 34.87827)
No admission fee.
Walking Distance: Less than 1 Kilometer.
Another beautiful beach area!! In this small area you can visit two scenic coves and climb to the summit of a steep hill (Tel Gador) offering fantastic views. From your car walk west for about 500 m right down to the famous "Chinese Bay". The bay acquired its peculiar name when in 1940, a group of Jewish European immigrants arrived at the bay after a 2 years delay in Shanghai, China. From the beach climb to Tel-Gador, the hill to the north of the cove for a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean Sea.
Hikes courtesy of Israel by Foot - Hiking the Holy Land

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