Israel to establish multi-million dollar environmental protection lab

The planned laboratory will join the Innovation Authority's five technological innovation laboratories established under the organization's laboratories incentive program since 2017.

A general view shows Dead Sea Works factory at the Dead Sea, Israel July 17, 2018 (photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
A general view shows Dead Sea Works factory at the Dead Sea, Israel July 17, 2018
(photo credit: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN)
The Israel Innovation Authority, Environmental Protection Ministry and Economy and Industry Ministry have partnered together to support the establishment of an innovation laboratory specializing in environmental protection and sustainability.
Israeli and foreign corporations selected to establish and operate the laboratory, as well as participating start-ups seeking to create proof of concept, will receive financial assistance. Overall government investment in the project is expected to stand at NIS 14 million ($3.8m.)
Companies that win the tender to operate the laboratory for three years will benefit from financial support of 33% of the expenditure to establish the technological infrastructure, or 50% if the facility is built in the country’s periphery, up to a maximum of NIS 4 million ($1.1m.).
The government will also finance 50% of the ongoing operations costs, up to a maximum of NIS 500,000 ($137,000) per year. Priority will be given to a laboratory providing solutions for highly-polluting processing and manufacturing industries in proximity to population centers.
“Our vision is that the innovation lab will develop into an entire ecosystem of unique startups, investors, and Israeli and multinational companies that will help implement innovative technologies and impact the lab with their vast experience in the industry,” said Anya Eldan, Israel Innovation Authority vice-president and head of its Start-Up Division.
The planned laboratory will join the Innovation Authority’s five technological innovation laboratories established under the organization’s laboratories incentive program since 2017.
Existing laboratories focus on innovation in the fields of auto-tech, smart infrastructure and construction, manufacturing technologies, novel materials and printing, and food technology.
“The innovation lab project is designed to promote early enterprises and is a significant and additional layer to the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s work in promoting Israeli environmental technologies and supporting commercial proofs of concept of mature projects,” said Galit Cohen, senior VP of planning, policy and strategy at the Environmental Protection Ministry. “The lab will also give traditional industries access to innovative environmental technologies that can be implemented to improve Israel’s environmental performance.”
Under the program framework, the Innovation Authority will launch the competitive tender process and the Environmental Protection Ministry will provide data, information and regulatory assistance to the new laboratory.
Funding from the Economy and Industry Ministry supports its aim to further leverage opportunities created by environmental regulations, by developing new industrial technologies that improve productivity while reducing pollution.

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“The Ministry of Economy and Industry promotes environmental and emerging industries through numerous assistance programs – this lab being one of them,” said Oz Katz, head of the industries administration at the Economy and Industry Ministry. “Achieving environmental sustainability goals has massive economic potential, including higher rates of productivity and industrial innovation. The lab will promote more sustainable manufacturing processes and implement innovative methods that solve industry-based environmental requirements.”

The Environment and Climate Change portal is produced in cooperation with the Goldman Sonnenfeldt School of Sustainability and Climate Change at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The Jerusalem Post maintains all editorial decisions related to the content.