Mystic rabbi predicted earthquakes in Lebanon as a result of 'disturbing Israel'

Rabbi Ben Artzi, known for his prophetic messages, addressed the various threats to Israel, emphasizing that any nation planning to disturb Israel will be struck in unforeseen ways.

 Smoke rises above the Israeli side of the Israel-Lebanon border following attacks from Lebanon, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, in northern Israel June 18, 2024.  (photo credit: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)
Smoke rises above the Israeli side of the Israel-Lebanon border following attacks from Lebanon, amid cross-border hostilities between Hezbollah and Israeli forces, in northern Israel June 18, 2024.
(photo credit: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)

Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a prominent Israeli mystic and spiritual leader, issued a stark warning in a YouTube video on his official channel on Saturday night, stating that nations threatening Israel will face unexpected consequences, specifically earthquakes in Lebanon. "This is exactly what's going to happen," he declared.

Rabbi Ben Artzi, known for his prophetic messages, addressed the various threats to Israel, emphasizing that any nation planning to disturb Israel will be struck in unforeseen ways. "Any country that disturbs Israel will be dealt with by the Holy One, blessed be He, through the forces of nature," he said. "They will be struck from all sides, facing internal conflicts and wars between states."

He further warned, "There will be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis in these places. This is what will happen to anyone who threatens the Jewish people. The Holy One, blessed be He, will cleanse 8 billion people until there is peace for the Jewish people. Mark my words, this is exactly what will happen."

Recent seismic activity seems to align with Rabbi Ben Artzi's warnings. Over the past few days, a 5.4-magnitude earthquake struck Lebanon, coinciding with the Jewish day of Tisha B'Av, which some view as a divine intervention that may have thwarted Hezbollah's plans to launch an attack on Israel. This earthquake, among others felt in the region, has caused widespread concern, although no casualties or significant damage were reported.

Natural disasters and supernatural prophesies 

These events have amplified the urgency around Israel's preparedness for natural disasters and reinforced the belief in Rabbi Ben Artzi's prophetic insights among his followers. 

Ben Artzi is an Israeli mystic and spiritual leader known for his prophetic messages, often focusing on the divine protection of Israel and warnings of natural disasters as a response to threats against the country. He gained prominence in the 1990s and has a dedicated following who view his predictions as spiritual insights. His teachings frequently predict that nations threatening Israel will face divine retribution through natural events like earthquakes and tsunamis. Rabbi Ben Artzi shares his messages through sermons, YouTube channels, and religious gatherings.