Anniversary of the Passing of Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto zt"l

  (photo credit: Shuva Israel)
(photo credit: Shuva Israel)

Today, the 5th of Elul, marks the yahrzeit (anniversary) of the passing of the righteous Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto zt"l, grandfather of the Admor Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto, and a significant spiritual figure in the city of Ashdod.

Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto zt"l was the tenth in the distinguished Pinto family lineage, the grandson of the revered Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto zt"l, also known by the title "the Rif of Ein Yaakov."

  (credit: Shuva Israel)
(credit: Shuva Israel)
He lived a life of holiness and seclusion, spending forty years without leaving his home, dedicating his days to Torah study and prayer, completely detached from the affairs of the outside world.
Since his passing, his grave in Ashdod has become a pilgrimage site for many who come to pray and seek blessings. Today, on his yahrzeit, the traditional pilgrimage to Rabbi Pinto’s grave, located at the entrance to Ashdod's cemetery, will take place. The public is invited to participate in the prayers that will be held at the site.

  (credit: Shuva Israel)
(credit: Shuva Israel)
Last night, Torah lessons in his memory were held in various locations worldwide. The Admor Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto led a special Torah class in Vienna, Austria, attended by a large crowd, where he delivered words of encouragement in preparation for the approaching Selichot prayers.
Another class was held at the home of Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin Shapira, where Rabbi Pinto delivered additional words of inspiration.

  (credit: Shuva Israel)
(credit: Shuva Israel)
Rabbi Pinto's son, Rabbi Yoel Moshe Pinto, gave a Torah lesson in the village of Ahisamakh, while his other son, Rabbi Meir Eliyahu, held a special class at the Shuva Yisrael Yeshiva in Manhattan.

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This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel