Rabbanit Moria Panker Captivates American Jewry

  (photo credit: DAVID BAR)
(photo credit: DAVID BAR)
Rabbanit Moria Panker, head of the "Pninat Or" seminary in Israel, embarked on a two-week strengthening mission across the United States, delivering numerous lectures to Jewish communities in Miami and Los Angeles.
The lectures focused on messages of hope, faith, and renewed connection to Jewish identity, especially during a time when Israel faces complex challenges.
In Israel, Rabbanit Panker leads the ongoing battle to support young women who have lost their way. The "Pninat Or" seminary she heads offers these young women a second chance – a safe haven that allows them to start anew.
The U.S. tour provided Rabbanit Panker an opportunity to bring the message of unity to diaspora communities and encourage a deeper connection between Jewish communities worldwide and the people of Israel.
  (credit: DAVID BAR)
(credit: DAVID BAR)
“The situation in Israel is very difficult; we are in the midst of a war,” Panker said during one of her lectures in Miami. “But what is amazing is seeing how Jewish communities abroad are not only emotionally connected to what is happening here, but also actively working in many ways to strengthen the bond with Israel. This connection deepens our sense of belonging and unity as one people.”
During her talks, Rabbanit Panker not only spoke of the hardships but also of the strength that arises from the bond between Jews worldwide. "We are one people," she said. "Jews in America and Israel may live in different places, but our hearts beat as one. Israel’s pain is your pain, and your strength is our strength."
Panker’s message was clear – it’s not just about financial support or expressions of solidarity; it’s about a deep connection to our shared roots and identity, especially during times when Israel faces existential threats. “What is happening in Israel today is not just a challenge for us; it is a defining moment for the entire Jewish people,” she noted in another lecture in Los Angeles. “Everywhere I visited, I felt the profound support and warmth you send to us. It’s moving to see your spiritual and practical efforts.”
  (credit: DAVID BAR)
(credit: DAVID BAR)
In her discussions with Jewish communities in Miami and Los Angeles, Rabbanit Panker emphasized that the strength of the Jewish people lies in unity, and that unity begins within. “It’s essential that we learn to accept every person, especially struggling youth. We must embrace them and encourage them to take steps at their own pace,” she added.
The connection forged during the journey was deep and meaningful. "We are in a critical time, but I see hope everywhere," Rabbanit Panker said at the conclusion of one of her lectures. "Our future depends on our ability to remain united, to support each other during difficult times, and to believe that, in the end, we will emerge stronger."
This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel