Ahead of the release of the book Stories of the Rif, which presents tales of righteous people shared by the Rebbe Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, a profound story is revealed, focusing on the importance of inner and outer peace as a vessel for blessing.
The story tells of a married couple who had been together for ten years but had not been blessed with children. According to Jewish law, after ten years of marriage without children, a couple may choose to separate. After much deliberation, they visited Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai to discuss their desire to divorce. Instead of offering direct advice, Rabbi Shimon asked them about the joyful celebration of their wedding day and requested that, if they intended to separate, they do so with the same happiness – hosting a parting celebration, as they did at their wedding.The couple agreed to his unusual request and held a festive farewell gathering. During the celebration, under the influence of wine and joy, the husband offered his wife one last gift, anything she wanted. To his surprise, she asked for only one thing – that they remain together and not divorce. Filled with joy, and perhaps a bit of wine, he agreed and made a heartfelt promise.The next day, once the celebration had passed, they both realized that they had already rediscovered peace and love within themselves. With this newfound harmony, they returned to Rabbi Shimon to ask for a blessing. Seeing their renewed unity and tranquility, Rabbi Shimon blessed them with the gift of children, and within a year, they were blessed with a son.The story teaches us a valuable lesson: blessings can only rest where there is peace and completeness. When discord or doubt resides in the heart, there is no room for blessing. But when the couple fully embraced one another with open hearts, they created the vessel through which blessing could flow.Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai teaches that when there is a vessel of peace and a person acts with complete faith and purpose, blessings can take root. As it is written in Psalms: “For there the Lord commands the blessing, life forevermore.” Where peace and completeness reside, blessings remain.This story holds a powerful message for everyone: when we act wholeheartedly and make room in our hearts for peace and pure intention, we can achieve anything and receive heavenly blessings.This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel