Another well-known British actor, Paddy Considine, is making his directorial debut in the festival with the feature film Tyrannosaur, which he also wrote. It stars Peter Mullan as a man plagued by violent outbursts, and Olivia Colman as a Christian charity-shop worker who comes into his life. The film won the Directing Award and the Special Jury Prize at last year’s Sundance Film Festival.Considine also stars in Submarine, a quirky, coming-of-age comedy-drama about a precocious boy in Wales in the 1980s who tries to save his parents’ faltering marriage. The movie also stars Sally Hawkins (Made in Dagenham) and Noah Taylor (Shine).Perfect Sense is an unusual combination of a science-fiction film and a romance. Directed by David Mackenzie, an acclaimed filmmaker who has made such films as Young Adam, it stars Ewan McGregor (Beginners, The Ghostwriter) and Eva Green (a Bond girl in Casino Royale). It is set during a plague that attacks all the senses but touch. Green plays a scientist who begins an intense affair with a chef (McGregor).The Bengali Detective is a documentary about a Kolkata private eye who is obsessed with dance, devoted to his ailing wife and fighting an uphill battle against crime. The film, which has received rave reviews, is being remade as a feature film, which is quite unusual for a documentary.The closing film in this eclectic festival will be Shame, directed by British filmmaker Steve McQueen. It stars Michael Fassbender as a loner in New York with a voracious sexual appetite whose life is turned upside down when his sister (Carey Mulligan) arrives for a visit. Both Shame and Wuthering Heights will be released in Israel commercially after the festival.For details, check the cinematheque websites.
The British (films) are coming!
Ten new movies, as well as lectures and live entertainment, are featured in the upcoming UK film festival.
Another well-known British actor, Paddy Considine, is making his directorial debut in the festival with the feature film Tyrannosaur, which he also wrote. It stars Peter Mullan as a man plagued by violent outbursts, and Olivia Colman as a Christian charity-shop worker who comes into his life. The film won the Directing Award and the Special Jury Prize at last year’s Sundance Film Festival.Considine also stars in Submarine, a quirky, coming-of-age comedy-drama about a precocious boy in Wales in the 1980s who tries to save his parents’ faltering marriage. The movie also stars Sally Hawkins (Made in Dagenham) and Noah Taylor (Shine).Perfect Sense is an unusual combination of a science-fiction film and a romance. Directed by David Mackenzie, an acclaimed filmmaker who has made such films as Young Adam, it stars Ewan McGregor (Beginners, The Ghostwriter) and Eva Green (a Bond girl in Casino Royale). It is set during a plague that attacks all the senses but touch. Green plays a scientist who begins an intense affair with a chef (McGregor).The Bengali Detective is a documentary about a Kolkata private eye who is obsessed with dance, devoted to his ailing wife and fighting an uphill battle against crime. The film, which has received rave reviews, is being remade as a feature film, which is quite unusual for a documentary.The closing film in this eclectic festival will be Shame, directed by British filmmaker Steve McQueen. It stars Michael Fassbender as a loner in New York with a voracious sexual appetite whose life is turned upside down when his sister (Carey Mulligan) arrives for a visit. Both Shame and Wuthering Heights will be released in Israel commercially after the festival.For details, check the cinematheque websites.