Dating Games: ‘1 beshert, 2 beshert, 3 beshert, 4'

Is there just one soulmate for each of us?

I’m constantly talking about “The Search for Beshert,” about finding “The One” or holding off for “Mr. (or Mrs.) Right” – but at the same time, I just don’t know if there is only one soulmate for each of us. When I was 20 and in college, I dated and lived with a guy for a year. Back then, I would have told you he was the one for me, and that we were going to get married and have six kids and live happily ever after. We planned our wedding down to the groomsmen, bridesmaids, flower girls and ring bearers.
Then he transferred to a university in another state, and when I wouldn’t go with him he broke up with me, leaving me heartbroken and depressed.
Six months later, I had an awakening and realized that the heartbreak had caused me to grow up and change for the better. I realized I could never imagine myself with that guy, and couldn’t believe I had spent a year with him!
When he came crawling back, soon after, I was confidently able to tell him that the best thing he did for me was break my heart. He may have been 1999 Tamar’s idea of a soulmate, but we would for sure have been divorced by now, as I wasn’t done maturing as a woman or as a person.
Tamar 2000 was a different woman who knew that I was going to keep evolving through my twenties and beyond, and that even Tamar 2000 wasn’t ready to get married quite yet.
Five years and a few unsuccessful relationships later, I had another awakening. I decided to start taking dating more seriously and only date Jewish men, so I signed up for J*Date and my evolution into the person I am today really began.
Once I really learned what I wanted, who I was and where I saw my life going, I was better able to figure out who would make the short list for my heart. Obviously not every guy – nor every second, third or fourth guy – that I dated could be my beshert, but more than a few did make the cut.
For three years I went on tons of J*Dates, agreed to be set up on blinddates and attended dozens of Jewish events. None of the dates or eventhe minor relationships proved to be fruitful – but they did get meprepared for when I met “S.”
When I first saw “S,” I did feel a jolt through my body. But if yourecall, I had to get his attention – not exactly ideal in my book. Oncewe started talking, though, the conversation never stopped. And that,mixed with the attraction that grew between us as we continued gettingto know each other, was what sealed the deal.
At the time we met, we were both ready to meet someone… The One. We hadboth matured as much as we each could on our own, and were ready forthe next stage. Had I not met “S” that night, I probably would havemoved cities and possibly met someone shortly thereafter; because I wasready – not to say that “S” isn’t my beshert, but because I understoodthen more than ever the reality of dating and the capacity of humanbeings.

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I didn’t – and still don’t – believe that there is only one person outthere for you, that lighting will strike when you meet each other, thathe or she will fall out of the sky, or that you will fall in love atfirst sight. In order to meet your soulmate you have to make it happen.
If you meet someone you like, and he or she encompasses the “must-have”items on your list, and you are willing to accept or compromise on theother items – and the other person also feels strongly enough about youto do the same – then that person could be your beshert. Your soulmateisn’t going to necessarily encompass every item on your list, nor willyou be everything he or she is looking for – that does not a soulmatemake.
The thing is, I do believe “S” is my beshert, but not because somecosmic force propelled us toward each other. Rather it was because of amixture of a number of components, including timing, maturation and thewillingness to compromise. We were at the right place at the righttime, and in the right frame of mind.
Man, am I glad I waited and didn’t settle! Too many people reach theirbreaking-point and are just so sick of dating that they pick the bestof the “just okay,” and figure that may be as good as it gets (andmaybe it is for them) instead of getting what they need from therelationship, and then moving on.
It may sound daunting, and I’m sure many singletons probably feel likethey’re looking down a tunnel and not seeing the light at the end – butit will happen, it (almost) always does.
Be active, be patient and keep an open mind.