IFCJ sends emergency control units to Ashkelon following rocket-fire

Created amid Israel’s 2021 operation in Gaza, the mobile station was designed to respond to the critical needs of Israeli municipalities during missile strikes from Gaza.

 Safwan Marich, Director of the Safety and Emergency Response Division of IFCJ and Ashkelon Mayor Tomer Glam. (photo credit: YOSSI ZELIGER)
Safwan Marich, Director of the Safety and Emergency Response Division of IFCJ and Ashkelon Mayor Tomer Glam.
(photo credit: YOSSI ZELIGER)

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) has sent emergency control units to cities in Israel’s South that have been affected by the recent tensions between Israel and Gaza

Fashioned out of a previously-used caravan, the unit is a full communications and operations center where city leaders can manage all types of crises at any location within the city. 

“The mobile emergency control unit will further strengthen the security for our residents and provide faster and more immediate response for any incident that arises," declared Ashkelon Mayor Tomer Glam. "I thank the Fellowship for their assistance, support and solidarity with the city of Ashkelon."

Created amid Israel’s 2021’s “Guardian of the Walls” operation in Gaza, the mobile station was designed to respond to the critical needs of Israeli municipalities that are threatened by Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad missiles.

 View of rocket launch from the Gaza Strip as it seen from southern Israel on August 7, 2022. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
View of rocket launch from the Gaza Strip as it seen from southern Israel on August 7, 2022. (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

“Following the end of the previous major escalation in May 2021, the Ashkelon mayor presented us with the necessity for a mobile unit to best manage the complex needs that arise during times of crisis,” according to Safwan Marich, Director of the fellowship's Safety and Emergency Response Division. "In close coordination with the municipality, we identified the specific logistical needs and this unit is the result of those efforts."

The IFCJ sped up the delivery of the mobile unit after Israel’s “Operation Breaking Dawn” and subsequent bombardment of Israel by Islamic Jihad.

“As we once again witness the onslaught of attacks from Gaza directed at Israeli civilians, we know that we need to increase our efforts to defend the Israeli home front in collaboration with the IDF and local municipalities," IFCJ President Yael Eckstein said. "This new unit being presented to Ashkelon will provide the mayor and his deputies a physical command facility to most effectively and quickly manage these events in ways that we know will save lives and enhance the overall necessary response.”

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

The IFCJ was founded in 1983 to promote better understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews and build broad support for Israel. One of the leading forces today helping Israel and Jews in need worldwide, it is the largest channel of Christian support for Israel. Over the last decade, the fellowship has invested over $26 million in strengthening the security for communities in the South.

“We thank our many partners around the world who share our love for Israel and whose support made this project… possible at this critical time," she said. "This gift is a further expression of our solidarity with the people of Israel’s South as well as the security and rescue forces who dedicate themselves every hour of every day to ensuring the safety and security of our country.”