Following heavy Hezbollah fire, IDF finishes exercise against northern threats

The IDF's exercise simulated various combat scenarios while emphasizing movements and capabilities in complex terrain, using multi-scale fire and complex combat scenarios.

 IDF brigades training in northern Israel, June 13, 2024. (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
IDF brigades training in northern Israel, June 13, 2024.

A series of brigade exercises were carried out in northern Israel over the past two weeks, where troops were trained for different combat patterns and scenarios, the IDF announced on Thursday. 

Soldiers from the Fourth Divisional Combat team trained in northern Israel following an extensive period of combat in the Gaza Strip.

Additionally, soldiers of the 226th Divisional Combat Team arrived for training after completing defensive activities on the northern border.

Training in complex terrain and situations 

The IDF's exercise simulated various combat scenarios while emphasizing movements and capabilities in forested and ecologically dense areas, movements along mountainous routes, and the use of multi-scale fire and combat in different areas, the IDF noted. 

 IDF brigades training in northern Israel, June 13, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
IDF brigades training in northern Israel, June 13, 2024. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)

Soldiers were also trained in-depth in logistical and IT aspects, simulating the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield and communicating with IDF headquarters