'Dangerous equipment and technologies': Hezbollah brags about its capabilities - analysis

Iran wants Israel and the region to believe Hezbollah is strong and ready for a possible future war.

 Members of Hezbollah attend the funeral of Taleb Abdallah, also known as Abu Taleb, a senior field commander of Hezbollah who was killed by what security forces say was an Israel strike yesterday night, in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon June 12, 2024. (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMED AZAKIR)
Members of Hezbollah attend the funeral of Taleb Abdallah, also known as Abu Taleb, a senior field commander of Hezbollah who was killed by what security forces say was an Israel strike yesterday night, in Beirut's southern suburbs, Lebanon June 12, 2024.

In a flurry of activity, Iranian state media websites have sought to highlight Hezbollah’s increasing capabilities. This comes in the context of the escalating tensions with Israel.

The messaging is clear. Iran wants Israel and the region to believe Hezbollah is strong and ready for a possible future war.

How does Hezbollah communicate this?

How does Hezbollah communicate this? It often makes broad claims about its abilities or relies on foreign media reports to boost its claims. This often takes the form of relying on Israeli media reports.

For instance, on June 30 the Iranian state media website IRNA reported that “a former Zionist official says Hezbollah in Lebanon is one of the five superpowers in terms of the number of rockets it possesses, media outlets have reported.” This is a way for Hezbollah to boast, via Iranian media, about its capabilities.

It uses the foil of Israel and Israeli quotes to boost its own claims. This is a form of laundering information that is familiar in the region, especially with Iranian media. However, the Hezbollah context of tensions with Israel is important to watch here.

 A Hezbollah fighter stands in front of anti-tank artillery at Juroud Arsal (credit: REUTERS/ALI HASHISHO)
A Hezbollah fighter stands in front of anti-tank artillery at Juroud Arsal (credit: REUTERS/ALI HASHISHO)

“The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah enjoys very dangerous military equipment and technologies, Israeli newspaper Yedioth [Ed: Yediot] Aharonot said in a report,” IRNA re-reported this week. “According to the report, the Israeli regime is facing an enemy that has a high military capability and possesses dangerous equipment and technologies such as pinpoint missiles and advanced drones,” the report said. This was part of a series of reports with headlines such as “Hezbollah’s military technologies very dangerous: Israeli paper [says].”

As tensions grow with Israel, Hezbollah will increasingly try to showcase its abilities. It claimed to launch a heavy Burkan rocket yesterday toward northern Israel. It also used drones to attack Israel on June 30.