Voices from the Arab press: Hamas is Terrorizing Gaza

A weekly selection of opinions and analyses from the Arab media around the world.

 COMMEMORATING ASHURA with mourning rituals during the Islamic month of Muharramon, July 2023, Istanbul. (photo credit: Chris McGrath/Getty Images)
COMMEMORATING ASHURA with mourning rituals during the Islamic month of Muharramon, July 2023, Istanbul.
(photo credit: Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Hamas is Terrorizing Gaza’s People

Al-Arab, London, July 13

At a time when our Palestinian people are enduring a horrific war in the Gaza Strip, a crisis that ravages everything in its path – destroying not just human life but also nature – the Hamas movement finds its own justification to engage in its usual tactics of suppression, censorship, and brutality, exemplified by its treatment of Amin Al-Abed

Hamas’s actions to silence the activist – an emblem of truth, life, and humanitarian aid – are apparent to everyone. Despite their efforts, his name and his image, now bearing the marks of brutal repression, are trending across search engines and social media platforms. 

The behavior of Hamas is a stark reminder of how disconnected the movement is from reality. They appear to be operating on an entirely different plane, seemingly indifferent to the daily carnage around them. When the Occupation doesn’t inflict pain, Hamas steps in with unrestrained arrogance. The movement’s media outlets are quick to produce ready-made accusations to rationalize their unwarranted brutality. 

 EYE-TRACKING technology presented by Tobii at the 7th AI Expo in Tokyo, May 2023 (credit: Richard A. Brooks/AFP via Getty Images)
EYE-TRACKING technology presented by Tobii at the 7th AI Expo in Tokyo, May 2023 (credit: Richard A. Brooks/AFP via Getty Images)

Television networks that share the same financial backers have turned a blind eye to the brutality inflicted on Amin Al-Abed, much as they did when 81-year-old activist Um Jabr Washah and her daughter were assaulted by Hamas security forces at the Al-Bureij camp in Gaza. The Palestinian Prisoners Society condemned this attack on June 18, 2020, stating that such brutality could only be carried out by those devoid of humanity and patriotism, regardless of any justifications presented under the pretext of law enforcement. 

Furthermore, these stations remained conspicuously silent when Sheikh Mohammed Al-Sufi was killed in a Hamas prison during Ramadan last year. He was arrested upon returning from Egypt and tortured for his criticisms of Hamas’s policies and his denouncement of Iran in his sermons. Despite his cries for help and protests of illness, according to his son’s statements to local media, he died on the eve of Eid Al-Fitr. 

This incident is a glaring example of a political crime that these media entities chose to ignore completely. One can only speculate on the outrage that would have ensued had such a crime occurred in PA-controlled areas. 

The underlying reason for Hamas’s relentless oppression, torture, and brutality against any form of dissent is their pervasive sense of insecurity and a futile attempt to project an image of control over the Gaza Strip. Despite their oppressive tactics, Hamas’s dominance persists amidst the suffering and struggles of the Palestinian people. – Aws Abo Ata

Gulf States Aren’t Preventing Ashura Commemoration

An-Nahar, Lebanon, July 12

Recent discussions across various social media platforms have focused on the security measures implemented during Ashura – a major festival for Shia Muslims that commemorates the martyrdom at Karbala of Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet [Muhammad] – by the authorities in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. These deliberations have delved into what these arrangements imply, their underlying purposes, and why they are meticulously enacted year after year. 

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This discourse is both healthy and necessary for two main reasons. First, it fosters a deeper understanding of the “rule of law” and its significance within the framework of a modern nation-state; second, it clarifies the extent and limits of religious expression in the public sphere. 

To begin with, it is essential that these discussions remain scientific, objective, and calm, steering clear of sectarian rhetoric or hate speech. They should not degenerate into conflicts that threaten civil peace or involve drawing ancient historical events into present contexts. Every modern individual and community has the right to practice their culture and spiritual rituals freely, without fear of coercion or intimidation, a right that is enshrined in the modern civil state founded on principles of comprehensive citizenship, justice, equality, and freedom of belief. 

However, free religious practice does not equate to conducting rituals in an unregulated manner or perceiving that such practices grant the right to flout the law under the guise of ritual sanctity. The essence of religion emphasizes maintaining security, public order, and civil peace, with one of its objectives being the establishment of societies governed by just laws, thereby preventing chaos and disorder. 

In this context, the Arab Gulf states have instituted specific procedures to organize Ashura ceremonies, contingent upon each state’s national laws. These measures include obtaining licenses for venues from relevant authorities, ensuring safety and public health requirements, and managing arrangements related to sound, timing, food, the scope of celebration, and the display of slogans and banners. 

The intention behind these measures is not to obstruct citizens from performing their rituals during the Ashura season, nor is it a systematic effort to limit the commemoration of Imam Hussein bin Ali’s martyrdom, as some have suggested. Such claims should be dismissed, as they aim to sow discord between citizens and state agencies, insinuating “sectarian persecution” and potentially driving a portion of citizens towards isolation, negative withdrawal, or adversarial religious stances towards Gulf governments. 

Hence, these measures should be interpreted objectively, devoid of emotional bias, and within their proper contexts, as opposed to the misrepresentations of extremists or tactless individuals. 

The Gulf States are committed to establishing the rule of law, combating favoritism and nepotism, and tackling financial and administrative corruption. These measures serve the interests of citizens, promote equality, and secure their rights to a better living environment. 

Simultaneously, several Arab Gulf states are working to regulate the public religious sphere and mitigate the chaos that has prevailed over recent decades, which has granted preachers undue influence over the public and negatively impacted various aspects of life. This regulation is not confined to a specific sect but encompasses the general religious discourse of all Islamic sects without exception. The objective is to foster a new awareness, free from extremism, excommunication, violence, and hatred, and to highlight the compassionate aspects of religion as opposed to a culture of discontent, gloom, and prohibition perpetuated by numerous preachers and orators. 

Therefore, the organization of Ashura councils falls within this broader context of transitioning Gulf societies from ones where clerics wield excessive influence to normal, civil societies that respect religion and rituals yet do not elevate such rituals or preachers to untouchable sanctities beyond critique or question. 

Undoubtedly, these regulatory laws are neither final nor flawless. The process is subject to regular review and improvement in order to enhance its benefits and address its shortcomings. Nevertheless, it is clear that the motivation behind it isn’t to limit religious practice but rather to modernize  societal structure, civil state, and its institutions. – Hassan Mustafa

AI Can Turn Limitations Into Possibilities

Al-Masry Al-Youm, Egypt, July 11

The world is rapidly advancing in technological development, with Artificial Intelligence emerging as a crucial tool for enhancing the quality of life in general, and particularly for people with disabilities. AI provides innovative solutions to daily challenges, promoting the independence of individuals and helping them achieve their ambitions by overcoming various obstacles. 

One notable example of such technology is the use of eye-tracking tools, which allow physically disabled users to control phones with their eyes. This capability enables them to communicate and interact with the world in ways that were previously unimaginable. 

This type of technology exemplifies how AI can turn limitations into possibilities. Most assistive technology applications work by converting one medium to another to best suit the user’s needs. For instance, for those with hearing impairments, sound can be converted to text or images and vice versa. This approach enhances individuals’ ability to engage effectively with their environment. 

Previously, applications connected visually impaired users with sighted volunteers through live video for assistance. The real advancement came with the integration of AI models, which replaced the need for human volunteers. This AI-driven approach has led to new versions of apps with enhanced capabilities, such as helping users hail taxis and guiding them on when to raise their arms for the car. 

Despite these significant strides, challenges remain in AI applications for people with disabilities. High device costs and the need for continuous technology updates to meet users’ changing needs are among the primary obstacles. Nevertheless, ongoing research and development in this field promise more innovations that will further enhance individuals’ capabilities, enabling them to lead more independent and comfortable lives. 

Thus, we in Egypt must strive to keep pace with these developments, particularly in harnessing AI as a beneficial tool for people with disabilities who face challenges related to infrastructure, education, and employment. AI indeed presents itself as a vital tool to improve their lives and help them fully integrate into society. The availability of AI technologies, such as speech-to-text applications for the blind and communication aids for the hearing impaired, offers practical solutions for overcoming these barriers. 

These technologies provide equal educational and professional opportunities and reduce individuals’ dependence on others. By adopting these innovations, Egypt can make significant strides in human rights, ensuring that all citizens are granted a dignified life with equal opportunities. We must seize this opportunity and not lag behind, lest it becomes too late. – Abdel Latif El-Menawy

Iran’s Ambitions: Territorial, Not Ideological

Al-Qabas, Kuwait, July 11

“Our disagreements with the United States primarily hinge on Iran’s role in the Middle East,” declared the Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Bagheri. This statement, straightforward and unambiguous, signals Iran’s unyielding ambitions in the region. For the Gulf countries, it serves as a stark warning. This declaration clarifies that the crux of US-Iranian discord is not ideological but territorial, centered on Iran’s expansionist aims. 

It also subtly suggests that the US does not fundamentally oppose Iran’s regional pursuits but is wary of their scope, particularly when American interests are at stake. Despite historical tensions, especially during the post-1979 Iranian Revolution, diplomatic ties between Iran and the US were never completely severed. 

Contrary to public rhetoric, including Iran’s notorious branding of the US as the “Great Satan,” economic exchanges, particularly oil trade, persisted even during the [1979] hostage crisis at the US embassy in Tehran. American products continued to flow into Iranian markets. Secret diplomatic talks never ceased, and one notable outcome was the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, which surprised many Gulf states. 

Iran’s dealings with Israel, though shrouded in public animosity, reveal a different narrative. Trita Parsi, an Iranian-American writer and professor at Johns Hopkins University, in his book Treacherous Alliance, unveils the covert collaborations between Israel, Iran, and the US. In his book, Parsi outlines how these countries maintain a strategic, rather than ideological, rivalry primarily concerned with regional dominance. 

The book documents numerous clandestine meetings in various European capitals aimed at brokering a comprehensive agreement that serves the interests of all three nations. It also provides insights into the proposals and concessions made by Iran to the US, mediated by Switzerland in 2003, to resolve ongoing disputes. 

The Iranian Foreign Minister’s recent statement reinforces the need for the Gulf countries to brace for future geopolitical maneuvers by Iran. It’s a reminder that, while public narratives may differ, underlying strategic interests often guide international relations. Vigilance and preparedness are imperative for the Gulf nations in responding to these evolving dynamics. Ultimately, divine protection is sought, but astute political foresight and action remain crucial.

 – Faisal Mohammad bin Sabt

Translated by Asaf Zilberfarb.