Iran has something to fear: Israeli strike on Yemen shows IAF can reach Tehran - analysis

If the Air Force attacks the port of Hodeidah in Yemen, at a range of 1,700 km, it can certainly attack targets in Tehran, at a range of 1,500 km.

 Smoke rises from the site of Israeli air strikes at the port of Hodeidah, in Hodeidah, Yemen July 21, 2024. (photo credit: REUTERS/STRINGER)
Smoke rises from the site of Israeli air strikes at the port of Hodeidah, in Hodeidah, Yemen July 21, 2024.
(photo credit: REUTERS/STRINGER)

In the months since the beginning of the war, the Houthis from Yemen have launched hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and missiles of various types towards Israel. Still, there was something unusual about the drone that hit Tel Aviv, killing an Israeli citizen and wounding others.

The Israel Air Force identified it in the final stage of entering the Mediterranean Sea but did not classify it as a threat to the Israeli home front. It is possible that the control system thought it was a civilian aircraft or an Egyptian or American UAV and, therefore, did not rush to shoot it down.

In the flight and attack, which lasted for many hours, the Houthis proved not only their ability but also their creativity. At this point, the security establishment probably felt that the Houthies had stepped up with Iran's encouragement.

According to Walla! Netanyahu asked for response options already on Friday. On Saturday, he held consultations with the heads of the security establishment. When he realized there were recommendations for a measured response, he recommended an aggressive response. Due to the risk, he decided to convene the security cabinet, which approved the broad attack.

The IDF has maintained ambiguity regarding the number of aircraft participating in the attack. Still, the fact that the fighter jets reached a range of 1,700 km is enough to demonstrate air power.

  F15 Fighter Jets on their way to conduct the strike in Yemen, July 21, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)
F15 Fighter Jets on their way to conduct the strike in Yemen, July 21, 2024 (credit: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT)

IDF gathered intelligence on the Houthis prior to war 

The IDF had been preparing for the attack for several months, but a short time passed from the moment of the decision to the execution, a fact that indicates the high preparedness of the air force and the Intelligence.

According to Walla, long before the war, the IDF had the Houthis in Yemen aware of its intentions and began gathering intelligence on arms shipments, terrorist infrastructure, and hostile activity in the region, which repeatedly endangered Israel's vessels. When the US first attacked terrorist targets in Yemen, it was based, among other things, on Israeli intelligence. Even on Saturday, the precise Israeli intelligence helped build the intelligence picture and the accuracy of the targets.

The air force was activated as part of the operation, and it received the name "Outstretched Arm" for the IDF's extreme capabilities in attacking targets within a range of 1,700 km.

Fighter planes that fly at such a range are required to receive refueling, control, intelligence, and a high level of readiness of Unit 669. They are also surrounded by the navy in case rescue from enemy territory is needed. The ability to synchronize all the forces' units received a high score in the operation.

The ability to synchronize all the forces' units received a high score in the operation.

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The name of the operation sends a message to all of Israel's enemies, led by Iran, who should now perform a simple calculation. If the air force attacks the port of Hodeidah in Yemen, at a range of 1,700 km, it can certainly attack targets in Tehran, at a range of 1,500 km.

Now, it remains to be seen what effect the attack in Yemen will achieve - will it restrain the Houthis, or will it lead to an expansion of the attacks, which until now have been stopped not only by the IDF but also by the coalition forces, led by the US. The IDF raised the level of vigilance and alertness, fearing additional threats in the region, including from Yemen.