Iran is rearming; is China covertly resupplying them? - report

Analysts said this might be a sign that Iran is facing supply chain issues after dramatically ramping up production following October 7.

A worker walks in a shipping container area at the Port of Shanghai April 10, 2012. (photo credit: ALY SONG/REUTERS)
A worker walks in a shipping container area at the Port of Shanghai April 10, 2012.
(photo credit: ALY SONG/REUTERS)

Iran received the first of two Chinese shipments of a rocket fuel precursor chemical on Thursday, CNN reported.

The Iranian registered ship, Golbon, arrived in Bandar Abbas on Thursday, according to publically available shipping records.

The ship was reportedly carrying a 1,000-ton shipment of sodium perchlorate, a precursor chemical for rocket fuel, European intelligence sources told CNN.

Intelligence sources also told CNN that the sodium perchlorate was purchased by the Procurement Department of the Self Sufficiency Jihad Organization, which is responsible for developing Iran's ballistic missile capacity.

 The Qader cruise missile is seen during the annual military parade in Tehran, Iran, September 21, 2024. (credit: MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)Enlrage image
The Qader cruise missile is seen during the annual military parade in Tehran, Iran, September 21, 2024. (credit: MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)

A violation of sanctions?

Sodium perchlorate is not in itself in violation of sanctions against Iran; however, it can be transformed into ammonium perchlorate, which is used to fuel Iranian rockets such as Kheibar Shekan or Haj Qasem missiles.

Inorganic chemistry professor Andrea Sella told CNN that "There really aren’t very many alternative things" that the chemical could be used for other than rocket fuel.

China’s Foreign Affairs Ministry told CNN it was “not aware of the specifics of the case." The ministry further reiterated that it opposed “illegal unilateral sanctions” and “arbitrary smearing and accusations that lack evidence.”

Analysts said that although China has long been a supplier of Iran, both for military and civilian materials, Iran had long claimed to be able to produce ammonium perchlorate domestically.

The analysts said this may be a sign that Iran is facing supply chain issues, although CNN hinted that this is an issue even the United States could face.

It could also be a sign that Iran has "dramatically" ramped up missile production, analysts noted. Iran had already begun ramping up production following October 7.

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The analysts said that solid ammonium perchlorate fuel was typically used in short-range missiles rather than long-range missiles, which use liquid fuel.

Long-range missiles were more often used to attack US bases in the Middle East or were exported to Russia.