Fatah names boys camp after terrorist who murdered two Israelis in Ariel

The actual session for the Fatah camp, was named after another Palestinian terrorists who died in violent clashes with IDF soldiers.

PALESTINIAN HAMAS SUPPORTERS in Gaza celebrate the Ariel terrorist attack, earlier this week (photo credit: MOHAMMED SALEM/ REUTERS)
PALESTINIAN HAMAS SUPPORTERS in Gaza celebrate the Ariel terrorist attack, earlier this week
A Palestinian camp for high school boys organized by Fatah, held earlier this year, was allegedly named after the deceased Palestinian terrorist Omar Abu Laila, according to Palestinian Media Watch.
Laila shot and murdered Israelis Gal Kaidan and Rabbi Achiad Ettinger at the Ariel junction in the West Bank, in March 2019. Rabbi Ettinger was wounded at the scene and succumbed to his injures and died 24 hours later.
The actual session for the Fatah camp, was named after another Palestinian terrorists who died in violent clashes with IDF soldiers.
Fatah posted photos of a ceremony held at the camp showing the boys donned in military uniforms. In another, the boys are seen carrying a casket during a figurative burial - the casket bore the Palestinian flag and on it a picture of a teenage "martyr."
During the ceremony a photo of Abu Laila could be seen in the upper right-hand corner of a poster displayed behind the speaker - bearing the logos of the Fatah Shabiba High School Movement and Fatah as well as the Palestinian Authority's map of "Palestine" - void of any mention or recognition of Israel, displaying the Jewish state in Palestinian green.
Additionally, the Fatah Shabiba [Youth Movement], has long been named after Abu Jihad, who was one of Fatah's founders and was behind terror attacks against civilians during the Lebanon War. Abu Jihad also came up in the chant — he was Arafat's deputy and the organizer of the 1972 Munich Olympics attack that killed 11 Israeli athletes.