Hezbollah still trying to deliver fuel to Lebanon - analysis

This is a ploy to let Hezbollah control Lebanon’s energy needs and help it in its mafia-like stranglehold over Lebanon.

WAVING THE Hezbollah flag in Marjayoun, Lebanon. (photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)
WAVING THE Hezbollah flag in Marjayoun, Lebanon.
(photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)

Iranian media said the “second phase” of distribution of Iranian diesel fuel to Lebanon would occur as winter begins. The claims portray Lebanese Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah as helping Lebanon during a fuel crisis. In fact, this is a ploy to let Hezbollah control Lebanon’s energy needs and help it in its mafia-like stranglehold over Lebanon. Iran wants to gain influence and fame for “helping” Lebanon.

“Speaking to Al-Ahd News website about the Hezbollah plan to distribute diesel fuel to hundreds of thousands of families, Hajj Ali al-Zain, the mayor of a district in southern Lebanon, said that the plan was being pursued by 77 municipalities to provide heating services to the people, especially residents,” Tasnim reported.

In September, the BBC reported that Hezbollah also brought fuel to Lebanon.

“The process of distributing diesel is also carried out away from any regional, sectarian or political considerations, and the officials of each region, if they contact Hezbollah for fuel, will receive the services after conducting the necessary checks,” the report says.

In a sense what is revealed here is that Hezbollah, which has only 12 of 128 of seats in Lebanon’s parliament, now not only controls a parallel communication network, runs its own terrorist army in Lebanon, conducts Lebanon’s foreign policy, and now controls banking, housing, supermarkets and fuel in the country.

 The Iranian ship Khark is seen at an undisclosed location in Iran, September 10,2020.  (credit: IRANIAN ARMY/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)
The Iranian ship Khark is seen at an undisclosed location in Iran, September 10,2020. (credit: IRANIAN ARMY/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)

“Iranian diesel is distributed in 50 stations, equivalent to 400,000 liters per day at the request of municipalities, and based on this, people can receive diesel from stations designated by ‘Al Amaneh’ company at a specified price,” the report says.

Hezbollah is doing a heating project in the Bekaa Valley. This Amaneh company is now distributing fuel to people in various places, the report claims.

“Municipalities will spare no effort to support the people and try to reduce the cost of distributing fuel among the people, and Hezbollah seeks to support poor families,” the report says.

Hezbollah wants make itself essential this winter, sitting astride fuel needs so everyone will need Hezbollah and it will become more powerful and profit from the suffering of the people.

Hezbollah officials said, “On the advice of Hassan Nasrallah, diesel would be distributed to the people through municipalities that cooperate with fuel stations in villages and cities.”

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Supposedly, hundreds of thousands of families will benefit from the scheme within a month. The report goes on to list some municipalities that signed up to get Iranian fuel.

“Sources familiar with the project explained that Hezbollah’s plan to distribute diesel among Lebanese families was carefully planned and that it should be ensured that applicants use this diesel only for heating their homes. Two days ago, Lebanese sources reported that the Lebanese subsidized diesel supply project, which is part of Hezbollah’s initiative to solve the country’s problems, will begin in a few days.”

Hezbollah poses as helping nursing homes and orphanages and that it is helping some 320 municipalities “build water wells.” It also helps supply 22 government hospitals and 71 fire brigades. It seems Hezbollah now has a state named Lebanon within its network of control.

Hezbollah’s secretary-general added, “A barrel of diesel will be sold to Lebanese households for less than the official price of one million lira, will be paid in lira, and according to our estimates, hundreds of thousands of Lebanese households will benefit from this project.”