Follows Yemeni president's seven-point reconciliation plan calling on Hamas to restore Abbas' authority in Gaza.
Palestinian delegates flew here on Tuesday for talks with Yemeni officials on reconciliation efforts to end the long rift between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's government and Hamas.
Last month, Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh proposed a seven-point reconciliation plan to end the dispute between the rival Palestinian groups and rebuild the shattered Palestinian Authority.
The initiative calls on Hamas to restore Abbas' authority in Gaza where they seized control in June 2007.
"Our delegation is fully empowered to start a dialogue, if Hamas accepts the Yemeni initiative," said Azzam Al-Ahmed, a senior leader of Fatah, Abbas' party, on arrival.
A Hamas delegation, led by Syrian-based deputy leader Mousa Abu Marzouq, was set to arrive later Tuesday.
The two delegations are scheduled to have separate talks with the Yemenis.
Hamas leaders have said the talks with Fatah should be unconditional.