Politicians and activists show support for Iranian protesters on Twitter

The anti-government protests started on Thursday and have since escalated leaving at least 10 people dead and hundreds arrested.

Iran protests grow, death toll mounts, January 2, 2018. (REUTERS)
Politicians and activists showed support for the Iranian protests on Twitter Sunday.
US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to show the support for the “Great Iranian people” and criticize the Obama administration at the same time.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recorded a video published on YouTube and other social media wishing the “Iranian people success in their noble quest for freedom.”

US Vice President Mike Pence called the protest a “heroic resistance” and promised to change American foreign policy in dealing Iran.

Former Democratic candidate in the 2016 elections Hillary Clinton stated that she hopes "their government responds peacefully and supports their hopes."

US First Daughter Ivanka Trump stated that she “stands by the Iranian people as they seek freedom from tyranny.”

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Human rights champion and Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor attributed her anniversary of her time in Auschwitz to the “Iranian people fight 2 be free.”

Former US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro used this time to criticize the European Union’s lack of response to the protest, “the EU needs to add its voice.”

The anti-government protests started on Thursday and have since escalated leaving at least 10 people dead and hundreds arrested. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called for calm while pushing for stricter response from the Iranian police force.
Reuters contributed to this article.