Trump threatens Iran after rocket fire on Baghdad embassy

Pro-Iranian militias use Iranian 107mm katyusha rockets. Trump tweeted a photo of the rockets with his warning. Trump has warned Iran in the past.

US Army soldiers keep watch on the US embassy compound in Baghdad, Iraq January 1, 2020 (photo credit: DOD/LT. COL. ADRIAN WEALE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)
US Army soldiers keep watch on the US embassy compound in Baghdad, Iraq January 1, 2020
US President Donald Trump threatened Iran on Tuesday afternoon, two days after rockets struck the US embassy compound in Baghdad. The rockets are some of dozens that have been fired over the last year by pro-Iranian militias. The US has put in place air defense called C-RAM to defend the Green Zone and embassy area, however some of the rockets still caused damage.

“Our embassy in Baghdad got hit Sunday by several rockets. Three rockets failed to launch. Guess where they were from: IRAN. Now we hear chatter of additional attacks against Americans in Iraq,” he wrote. “Some friendly health advice to Iran: If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over.”
In the past when US soldiers and a contractor have been killed the US responded with airstrikes in December 2019 and March 2020. Trump also ordered the strike on IRGC Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani and Kataib Hezbollah leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in January 2020. Iran and its allies in the region are commemorating those deaths this month. Tensions are running high.
Pro-Iranian militias use Iranian 107mm katyusha rockets. Trump tweeted a photo of the rockets with his warning. Trump has warned Iran in the past. His former National Security Advisor John Bolton as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also warned Iran. Trump also threatened Iran’s navy in April after IRGC fast boats harassed the US Navy in the Persian Gulf. Reports this week indicated the US sent a powerful nuclear submarine to the Persian Gulf. In addition Israel’s Chief of Staff has warned Iran against any provocations. This all adds to the tensions.
Trump vetoed a massive US defense bill the same day as he warned Iran. He objects to limits on troop withdrawals and other measures. There have been recent shake-ups at the Pentagon as well. Defense Secretary Mark Esper was fired in November.  There are fears Iran could threaten the US and allies as part of a symbolic "revenge" attack for the Soleimani killing last year.