A PAINTING OF Hanoch Levin by Yossi Waxman. (photo credit: Yossi Waxman)
A PAINTING OF Hanoch Levin by Yossi Waxman.
(photo credit: Yossi Waxman)

Poetic wings: Yossi Waxman's new exhibition in Ein Hod celebrates hebrew literary legends


Class Picture, Poets and Other Birds, a new exhibition of paintings by Yossi Waxman, will open at Ein Hod on August 17. Curated by Rina Genussov, it will be on display at the Janco-Dada Museum until October 15.

At Saturday’s opening, Waxman will discuss his latest book, Like the Clown from the Purim Song in a Hebrew-language panel along with poet Alon Arad, writer Nizan Weisman, curator Genussov, and others.

The portraits of Hanoch Levin (1943-1999), Rachel Bluwstein (1860-1930), Avraham Shlonsky (1900-1973), and many others also on show depict these champions of Hebrew poetry alongside unique birds. Leah Goldberg is painted with an eagle owl, a jay is shown alongside Dahlia Ravikovitch.

With these images, Waxman follows in a great literary tradition of poets longing to soar and sing their songs. In Hebrew poetry, Hayim Nahman Bialik also spoke “To The Bird,” in his 1891 poem. “Sing, tell me, my beautiful bird, about the wonders of the distant land,” asking: “Will you bring me regards from my brothers in Zion, from my brothers far and near?”

Hours are Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Saturday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The August 17 opening event and discussion are free; NIS 32 per ticket on all other dates. Call (04) 984-2350 for more info. 

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