Landscape photography (illustrative) (photo credit: RUTH SCHREIBER)
Landscape photography (illustrative)
(photo credit: RUTH SCHREIBER)

Jerusalem Highlights: August 23-29


Editor’s note: Due to the ongoing security situation, events listed below may be postponed or canceled. Check before booking, and stay safe.


Enjoy a morning concert at the Dan Hotel as part of the International Klezmer Festival, now in its 11th year. Violin player Haim Azizi, who was serving as a Golani combat duty soldier during the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack and was severely wounded while searching for terrorists, will perform as well, after a long recovery. 

The concert will support evacuees from the border areas. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Free. 32 Lehi St.


Visit the Jerusalem Cinematheque to enjoy “Summer with Fellini,” a series of films by the acclaimed Italian director. Today’s offering is his 1973 film Amarcord, which depicts his hometown, Rimini, as it was during the 1930s, as seen through the eyes of a child.

4 p.m. The two-hour film is in Italian with Hebrew subtitles. NIS 41 per ticket. 11 Hebron Rd. Call (02) 565-4333 to book.

 Jerusalem Klezmer Festival (Illustrative). (credit: ZVI YOCHETMAN)
Jerusalem Klezmer Festival (Illustrative). (credit: ZVI YOCHETMAN)


Try a new sport by visiting Urban Climbing Jerusalem. With 150 ways to climb walls, this recreation center is bound to offer patrons a way to release stress during these tense times. Look for future special events, such as evening climbing sessions with live jazz music.

11 Beit Hadfus St., level -4. Call 054-762-5243 for prices and classes for first-time patrons. Sundays, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Visit for more.


Visit “Every Thing,” a new exhibition at the Museum on the Seam, with works created by Erez Nevi Pana, curated by Maria Cristina Didero. In an unusual decision, Pana was given the entire museum to show his plant-based designs for living that do not cause suffering to animals.

These include Wasted – baskets he created following a residency program in India; Unraveled, a way to harvest silk that does not kill the larvae inside, by waiting until the silk moth hatches and then collecting the silk. Ripening replaces wool used for textiles with fibers taken from bamboo and banana plants. The materials change color when they ripen. 

Hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 4 Heil Handassa St. NIS 35. Call (02) 628-1278 ext. 4 for more information. Shown until Friday, December 13. 


Attend a Hebrew rap concert with Ravid Plotnik (formally known by the stage name Nechi Nech, Amharic for “Whitey White”), widely regarded as one of the best musicians in his field, with seven albums under his belt. This one-hour, standing-only outdoor performance would be a fantastic way to mark the end of August.

9:30 p.m. NIS 104. Jerusalem Theatre, 20 Marcus St. Call (02) 560-5755 to book.


Visit FeelBeit for an electronic music performance, Sunset at the Balcone, hosted by Yvonne Saba, featuring the latest alternative music from the Arab world. Curated by Apo Sahagian, this event is part of a larger festival, The House at the Heart of the Storm, directed by Itai Doron, which will continue until Saturday, September 7.

6:30 p.m. Free. 4 Naomi St., behind the YES Planet Complex. See for more information.


Visit “A Tranquil Gaze: Contemplating Landscape,” a new photography exhibition by Ruth Schreiber, curated by Doron Adar. Enjoy a jazz performance by the Karmon Quartet during the festive opening. At the Agripas 12 Gallery. 8 p.m. Free. The exhibition closes Saturday, September 28. 

Throwing a special event? Opening an art exhibition or a new bar? Bringing in a guest speaker to introduce a fascinating topic? Email and let In Jerusalem know about it. Write ‘Jerusalem Highlights’ in the subject line. Although all information is welcome, we cannot guarantee it will be featured in the column.

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