El Al plans Independence Day air show dedicated to soldiers
National airline to commemorate Israel's 63rd birthday with special airborne messages including "We are all with Gilad Schalit."
In honor of Israel Independence Day, El Al Israel Airlines will proudly commemorate the Israel's 63rd birthday on Tuesday with a memorable annual air show. This year, the air show will be dedicated to captured Israeli soldiers Gilad Schalit and Ron Arad as well as to all the fallen Israeli soldiers.RELATED:How are you celebrating Yom Ha'atzmaut?Special messages will be painted on to each of the four El Al aircraft that will be utilized in the show which are currently named Jerusalem, Sderot, Daliat al Carmel, and Deganiya."We are all with the families of Israel's fallen soldiers," one of the messages will read. Other messages include "We are all with Gilad Schalit" and "We are all with Ron Arad" as well as "We are all with the families of the captured and missing soldiers."The aircraft will travel south along the Mediterranean Coast from Nahariya to Ashdod led by a 747-400 jumbo and EL AL fleet manager, Captain Tal Becker.We are interested to know how you plan on celebrating Yom Ha'atzmaut. Please send us pictures of any barbecues, street parties or concerts that you will be attending to lifestyle@jpost.com.