2011 Household Expenditure Survey also finds 71% of households have two or more cellphones, 78% own a computer.
Findings from the 2011 Household Expenditure Survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics show that housing constitutes about a quarter of an Israeli household’s expenses. It is the costliest item for the average Israeli family, followed by technology- related consumption.In 2011, the average monthly consumption expenditure per household was NIS 13,967, a minor increase from 2010.The survey further details that the wealthiest fifth of Israeli households spends about four times more on transportation and communications than the poorest fifth.The ownership rate of mobile phone lines in Israel is 13 percent higher than regular phone lines and 71% of households have two or more cellphones, an increase from 2010.This number has grown at a rapid pace by 33% over the last 10 years.Ownership of computers has also grown over this period.Today, 78% of Israeli homes own a computer and almost all of them are connected to the Internet.These findings also show that out of the 34 current member countries of the Convention on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Israel occupies the middle rank in terms of computer ownership and Internet subscription.However, a significant gap remains between the top decile of Israel’s wealthiest households and the poorest decile. In the upper echelon, there are 80 computers per 100 individuals whereas in the lowest echelon, there are only 15 devices for the same amount of people.Other statistics displayed include car ownership as well as food-purchasing habits.
Twenty percent of Israeli families own at least two cars and 60% of Israeli homes shop at chain supermarkets like Mega or Tiv Ta’am.Data for the 2011 survey, based on a 88% response rate from 6,051 Israeli households, was collected within the entire population with the exception of kibbutzim and moshavim; and the Beduin population living outside of Israeli towns.The CBS has conducted the Household Expenditure Survey since the 1950s. Until the 1990s, the data was assessed once every five to seven years but since 1997 the survey is conducted annually.