Gilat, head of the Israel Broadcasting Authority, asks employees why this year is different from every other year.
Borrowing from the traditional four questions in the Haggada, Israel Broadcasting Authority chairman Amir Gilat this week sent a Passover greeting to each and every IBA employee asking and explaining why this year is different from every other year.The answer is that in every other year, the IBA was waiting to emerge from slavery to freedom and this year, it will finally be able to do so because the Knesset has approved the new Broadcasting Authority Law. The agreement for the implementation of the IBA reforms has been signed by representatives of all relative organizations, institutions and branches of government, and funding has been made available to enable the IBA to move ahead with its renewal project.In every other year, Gilat continues, the IBA’s obsolete technological equipment was on the verge of collapse but miraculously it continued to operate. This year, the IBA has dramatically upgraded its technology and broadcasts from an HD studio.Every other year, the IBA’s administration functioned in an environment of chaos with acting department heads rather than permanent ones, a huge deficit and a budget that had not been approved.This year, the management of the IBA has been stabilized, as a result of which numerous tenders have been published and new appointments made. Also, for the first time in seven tears, there was approval for the budget.In previous years, program content did not receive the priority it deserved. This year, content is a top priority with special, increased budgetary allocations for productions.Taking a dig at those television channels and radio stations that do not broadcast from the capital or that do so with great reluctance, Gilat added a little to the Haggada’s traditional concluding message: Next year in the Jerusalem Israel Television (Channel One) and The Voice of Israel (Israel Radio).