In Knesset speech, Netanyahu cites genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Sudan, implies ongoing genocide in Syria.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that the world has not really learned and internalized the lessons of the Holocaust. "Ask the Cambodians, ask the Rwandans, ask the Sudanese," he said. adding that there is an ongoing massacre occurring in Syria by the Assad regime against protesters.Speaking at the Knesset just days before International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27), Netanyahu reasoned that the Jewish people must not put their fate in the hands of the international community. Posing a rhetorical question, Netanyahu asked "how does the world react to the calls for genocide against the Jews today?"
"Seventy years after the shoa, Iran is calling for us to be wiped off the map, Hezbollah is calling for our extinction, as are many in Hamas... The Jerusalem Mufti [Sheikh Muhammad Hussein] called on Sunday for Jews to be killed wherever they are...echoing his predecessor Haj Amin Al Husseini, who actively helped Hitler and Eichman," he said.RELATED:PM likens Iran to Nazis, with some differences "I do not hear the international community condemning this. I hear them condemning buildings in the West Bank. But I don't hear them condemning this incitement," said Netanyahu.Netanyahu stated that one of the primary roles of the United Nations is to prevent genocide, singling out China, India, and South Korea as countries that must strongly support robust sanctions against Tehran. "The Iranian regime is calling for and working towards wiping Israel off the map. Its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas have fired over 12,000 rockets against us," he said. "Both we, as well as the international community, must internalize the lessons of the Holocaust, and must work actively against this threat."Speaking immediately after Netanyahu, opposition leader Tzipi Livni (Kadima) said that Israel is proud of the Holocaust survivors."We are a strong country," she said. "The Star of David that used to be knitted on the breast of the Jews during the Holocaust is now stuck on the Israeli F-16s that have flown over Auschewitz."