Deputy state prosecutor target of far-right hate video

Clip reportedly calls for Shai Nitzan's murder after he asked police to investigate anti-Arab Facebook groups; PM: Incitement hurts democracy.

Facebook 311 (photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Facebook 311
(photo credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS)
The deputy state prosecutor Shai Nitzan has become the target of a video circulating the Internet which reportedly called for his murder, after he asked the Israel Police last week to launch an investigation into two Facebook groups that contained anti-Arab racist content on Wednesday.
Nitzan said the Facebook groups, which were were opened under the names "Death to all Arabs" and "Demonstration in Umm el-Fahm against the Islamic Movement," had violated anti-racism and anti-incitement laws.
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Israel Radio reported on Monday that the video, which ended with the slogan "Kahane was right," accused Nitzan of failing to investigate Arab incitement and focusing only on Jews.
The video has been distributed via email, and was sent by an individual posing as the Justice Minister, Yaackov Neeman.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called on police to investigate the video and track down those who made it, saying, "criticism is legitimate but incitement and calls to murder... harm the values of democracy of the State of Israel and must be severed."
The "Death to all Arabs" Facebook group had 170 followers, and included clear calls for acts of violence against Arabs and support for such acts, Nitzan stated last week.
A police source told The Jerusalem Post that video "was being examined" by investigators.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak condemned the video and said "We must act very seriously against those who incite violence against the law enforcement system and the democratic values of Israel."
"This incitement must be dealt with firmly and without any compromises.," Barak continued.

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Oppostiion leader Tzipi Livni (Kadima) said in reaction to the video that "we must act immediately against any incitement that calls for the law to be harmed. Police action is seriously needed against this dangerous phenomenon."
"Public condemnation needs to be clear and across all political parties," Livni added.
The Justice Ministry also joined the list of those that condemned the video.
"This video clip represents a further negative blow in the phenomenon of incitement against public figures, who carry out their roles professionally," a statement read.
"Police have already begun an investigation into the incident with the help of the relevant security sources," the Justice Ministry said.