Jewish celebrities are speaking out on a subject that is unfortunately close to their hearts: terrorism.
While many of them have not experienced it first hand, anti-Semitism has been growing in past months, there have been a number of terrorist attacks recently targeting Jews. One particular threat against Jews that has been making headlines lately has been threats against Jewish actors Seth Rogen and James Franco by cyberhackers for their most recent comedy film, The Interview.
After hackers believed to be from North Korea threatened the two actors as well as movie theaters in the US with heinous terrorist attacks, Sony made the executive decision to cancel the release of The Interview which parodies the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.
Jewish celebrities have posted responses to the cancellation of the film premier on social media. Here are a few examples:
No bullshit though, this is seriously fucked and it's such a sad day for free speech. Frightening.
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) December 18, 2014
It is odd that N Korea is so upset over a comedy but didn't mind the @frontlinepbs episode which showed them starving their people.
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) December 20, 2014
Canceling "The Interview" seems like a pretty horrible precedent to set.
— Zach Braff (@zachbraff) December 17, 2014
There goes my Hitler comedy.
— Zach Braff (@zachbraff) December 17, 2014
Do the terrorists win in the end of #TheInterviewMovie ? I guess so..
— Bryan Greenberg (@bryangreenberg) December 17, 2014