According to celebrity news outlet People magazine, Kardashian was due to make her latest public reveal at an event held by celebrity makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic in the Gulf Arab emirate.“She is excited about her Dubai trip. She is excited about the change of scenery and is looking forward to spending time with her fans," a source told People. "She will have a big security team. She isn’t concerned about her safety. As of now, the kids are not coming.”Following the robbery in France, the "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" star largely remained out of the limelight and, until last week, avoided social media activityFrench police have been racing against detention-time limits to glean information from people arrested over the gunpoint hold-up, among them underworld figures said to be known by nicknames worthy of Hollywood hoodlums. Four more of the 17 taken into custody on Monday were freed, taking the number in police hands down to 10 a one day before the deadline by which they should, in normal circumstances, be indicted or released.Thieves wearing balaclavas and jackets marked 'police' burst into the luxury property where Kardashian, who is married to US rapper Kanye West, was sleeping in the early hours of October 3.They tied her up at gunpoint before making off on bicycles with her engagement ring and other jewels worth 9 million euros ($9.5 million), police officials and judicial sources said at the time. Reuters contributed to this report.