Test how sharp you are: Can you spot a woman's face in this picture?

This optical illusion uploaded to the social media platform TikTok managed to befuddle many users. Can you spot the woman's face?

 Where is the woman's face hiding? (photo credit: Screenshot/TikTok)
Where is the woman's face hiding?
(photo credit: Screenshot/TikTok)

An old picture that recently surfaced on the social media platform TikTok challenged users to find hidden objects. Will you be able to do it?

Check for yourselves. In the painting, you can see a forest full of trees, plants and flowers – all of which are in black and white. Then, the person who uploaded this picture challenged social media users: Can you find the woman hiding in this picture in under nine seconds?

So far, this challenge has received mixed reactions from TikTok users who tried to find the woman's face.

Some claimed it was easy to spot her, though others complained they couldn't find out where she was hiding.

"It's so easy it's funny to see that there are people who didn't find her," one TikTok user wrote. Another responded that it took longer than necessary, "but I found her in the end."

Check the photo out just one more time before you scroll down for the answer

 Where is the woman's face hiding? (credit: Screenshot/TikTok)
Where is the woman's face hiding? (credit: Screenshot/TikTok)

Did you find her? If not, don't worry about it. Try turning your phone upside down.

 After turning your phone over, you can spot her face among the tree branches. (credit: Screenshot/TikTok)
After turning your phone over, you can spot her face among the tree branches. (credit: Screenshot/TikTok)