Decoding strange cat habits: The secret meanings behind their behaviors

Cat experts shed light on the enigmatic habits of cats, uncovering the hidden meanings of rubbing, meowing, purring, and slow blinking.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Amos Oz once wrote, "A cat will never make friends with someone who is unable to love it. Cats do not make mistakes with humans."

But do we truly understand our feline companions? Are we interpreting their behaviors correctly?

Cats have always been more mysterious than dogs, and the British news outlet The Mirror sought insights from experts in the field to explain some of the peculiar behaviors that are unique to cats.

In ancient Egypt, cats were revered and considered extraordinary creatures. They were believed to possess magical powers and bring good fortune to those who welcomed them into their homes.

Even today, cats seem to demand adoration, but their eccentric attitudes continues to baffle cat owners worldwide.

 Artemis the cat lives in Jerusalem. Rather than bought from a store, she was rescued from the streets by her loving humans. (credit: Shira Silkoff)Enlrage image
Artemis the cat lives in Jerusalem. Rather than bought from a store, she was rescued from the streets by her loving humans. (credit: Shira Silkoff)

Why do cats rub against us?

When a cat brushes against you, cuddles up or rubs its head and body on your legs, it's their way of expressing affection. Through this physical contact, cats share their scent, indicating that they considering you a part of their family. Experts elaborate, "Cats employ scent to recognize each other, identify family members, and establish their 'safe zones' within the environment." So, the next time your cat nuzzles you or weaves through your legs, take it as a sign that you're part of their cherished family.

Why do cats meow?

Sometimes, meowing serves as a demand for attention. It often signifies hunger, but it can also indicate a desire for petting or playtime. Regardless, vocalizing is a clear message from a cat seeking more attention from their human companion.

Does a cat's purring always mean it's content?

While purring generally denotes happiness and contentment, it's not always the case. Cats may purr when they feel scared or anxious, using it as a self-soothing mechanism. It's their way of practicing positive thinking, akin to humans employing comforting thoughts.

 Titania the cat is seen with her paw healing after being rescued from the Jerusalem streets by her loving family. (credit: ARIELLA MARSDEN)Enlrage image
Titania the cat is seen with her paw healing after being rescued from the Jerusalem streets by her loving family. (credit: ARIELLA MARSDEN)

Why do cats lick people?

Cats are meticulous self-groomers, and when they lick you, they're actually trying to groom you. Although their rough tongues may not be the most pleasurable sensation, it's their way of demonstrating care and affection. A grooming session signifies that your cat is actively forming a bond with you.

What's the significance of a cat slow blinking?

If your cat has ever met your gaze and blinked slowly, consider yourself fortunate. This behavior is a gesture of trust, akin to a person blowing an air kiss. Experts liken it to a cat saying, "I love you and trust you." However, be cautious when a cat stares at you intensely, as it can be interpreted as a threatening gesture.

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Understanding these enigmatic behaviors will deepen your bond with your cat and enhance your ability to communicate effectively. Remember, cats have their own language, and by unraveling their strange habits, we can decode the secret messages they convey.