Test Your IQ: Can you solve this exercise?

Boost your thinking skills with a new TikTok challenge: Can you correct this exercise by moving just one match? Test your IQ now!

Move only one match to solve this exercise (photo credit: AdobeStock)
Move only one match to solve this exercise
(photo credit: AdobeStock)

Are you up for the challenge? 

Examine the incorrect exercise presented before you. It depicts 9X9=11+15, comprising 29 matches. Your task is to move just one of them to alter a digit and arrive at the correct equation. 

By thinking creatively and "outside the box," you can find the solution. Scroll down to find the answer!

Move only one match to solve this exercise (credit: AdobeStock)
Move only one match to solve this exercise (credit: AdobeStock)

Did you manage to crack it? No worries if not. The solution lies ahead.

The correct move is to shift the upper left vertical match from the number 9, transforming it into a 3. Place this match on the lower left side of the number 5 (15), changing it to a 6 (16).

 first step (credit: AdobeStock)
first step (credit: AdobeStock)

Voila! You have arrived at the correct exercise: 9X3=11+16.

The answer is before you (credit: AdobeStock)
The answer is before you (credit: AdobeStock)

Remember, exercising your brain is always a win! So, keep challenging yourself to enhance your cognitive skills.