Is the key to Middle East peace Ted Cruz's beard?

So says a "good friend" of Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a long-standing supporter of Israel.

The ceremonial swearing in of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Old Senate Chambers at the U.S. Capitol, January 3rd, 2019. (photo credit: JACK GRUBER-USA TODAY VIA REUTERS)
The ceremonial swearing in of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Old Senate Chambers at the U.S. Capitol, January 3rd, 2019.
The secret to peace in the Middle East might have been more obvious than previously conceived, and the world might have had the wrong approach to solving the crisis until now.
The key to solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict might be a well-groomed Texan.
So says a "good friend" of Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a long-standing supporter of Israel, who is currently supporting US legislation to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. He wrote an op-ed for The Jerusalem Post last May praising the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.

"Pretty cool: A good friend is studying in yeshiva in Israel. His rabbi told him he liked my beard, elaborating, 'It gives Cruz a Talmudic & Rabbinic look & presence that will put the fear of the Lord into Israel’s enemies & promote Middle East peace,'" he wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. 
Even Cruz thought the compliment was a bit too much acclaim, ending the Tweet, "Wow. Perhaps a bit much."
Some of Cruz's followers wrote they did not put credence into the story, with one writing, "$500 that never happened" and another invoking the phrase, "weird flex but okay," an expression used in response to posts a user finds odd.
Cruz was reelected to his Senatorial seat last November, having served in the chamber since 2012.
The Texan grew out his beard in mid-December 2018.