"Pretty cool: A good friend is studying in yeshiva in Israel. His rabbi told him he liked my beard, elaborating, 'It gives Cruz a Talmudic & Rabbinic look & presence that will put the fear of the Lord into Israel’s enemies & promote Middle East peace,'" he wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. Even Cruz thought the compliment was a bit too much acclaim, ending the Tweet, "Wow. Perhaps a bit much."Some of Cruz's followers wrote they did not put credence into the story, with one writing, "$500 that never happened" and another invoking the phrase, "weird flex but okay," an expression used in response to posts a user finds odd. Cruz was reelected to his Senatorial seat last November, having served in the chamber since 2012.The Texan grew out his beard in mid-December 2018.Pretty cool: A good friend is studying in Yeshiva in Israel. His rabbi told him he liked my beard, elaborating “It gives Cruz a Talmudic & Rabbinic look & presence that will put the fear of the Lord into Israel’s enemies & promote Middle East peace.” Wow. Perhaps a bit much....
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) January 9, 2019