A Facebook event to "Storm Area 51" has gone viral, with over a million people on the platform signing up to "see them aliens."The bizarre comedic event called 'Storm Area 51: They Can't Stop All Of Us' says: "We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry.""If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens."
Naruto run is the running technique of Naruto Uzumaki, the lead character from the Japanese anime series Naruto who runs with his head down and his arms behind him.The tongue-in-cheek event was posted by the anonymous meme page “S***posting cause im in shambles,” and a Twitch video game streamer named SmyleeKun.Area 51 is a heavily guarded US military base in the Nevada desert and has long been a source for alien conspiracy theories with alleged connections to UFO sightings and, according to the US government, is classified for national security reasons.The remote site is around 150 miles from Las Vegas and is not open to the public. US media reports the US Air Force is aware of the event but has yet to comment on the spoof event.According to Vox.com, some serious news outlets reported on the event as if it is a serious attempt to gain access to the infamous site which, to be clear, is anything but.