On Thursday, railway employees conducting a routine under-gear inspection discovered a young man hiding under the S4 coach of the Pune-Danapur Express in India. The man had reportedly traveled approximately 290 kilometers from Itarsi to Jabalpur by positioning himself between the wheels under the train to avoid paying for a ticket.
"Instructions have been issued to strengthen security measures further," said Harshit Srivastava, the railway's public relations officer, according to ABP News, emphasizing the need to prevent such incidents in the future.
The Railway Protection Force (RPF) was summoned to the scene, and the young man was handed over to them for further investigation. A case has been filed against the man, and officials are investigating the matter further, according to News18. The identity of the man has not been revealed yet.
#WATCH | MP: Man Travels Between Wheels Of Danapur Express, Caught During Inspection In Jabalpur#Jabalpur #MadhyaPradesh #MPNews pic.twitter.com/1VEoeUOeCe
— Free Press Madhya Pradesh (@FreePressMP) December 26, 2024
A video of the incident has surfaced on social media and has gone viral. The video shows the man coming out from under the trolley,
It remains unclear how no one saw the stowaway during the journey, notes Navbharat Times.
The article was written with the assistance of a news analysis system.